How to paint hair without paint

How to paint hair without paint

It is no secret that all modern hair paints are produced based on a variety of chemicals. Of course, they perfectly cope with their task, but also harm hair: they swell and dried them. In order not to harm the hair, after each use of such a dye, you also need to make restoring masks. And you can go on another way and sometimes, instead of chemical staining, paint your hair without paint. How is it possible? Yes, it is very simple - you need to use vegetable agents.

Plant products that can truly paint their hair are very small. This is all famous Hens and Basma - with their help you can achieve cardinal hair color change. But besides them, there are still many plants, the use of which will also give an interesting result. Speak only about the so-called toning, i.e. Underline the main hair color, but such vegetable agents will strengthen their hair.

Light hair you can give various new shades:

  • Golden. 150 grams of dry chamomile pour boiling water (500 ml). Interest 15 minutes, then also boil 5 minutes. A decoction to strain, add a tablespoon of lemon juice to it and a tablespoon of olive oil.
  • Straven-yellow. 200 g. Dry root rhubarb pour water (500 ml). Cook 30 minutes and then strain.
  • Lightly blond. 150 g. Dry rhubarb to fill with white dry wine (500 ml). Cook until the fluid decreases in the amount of twice.

All means to apply on dry clean hair and keep at least 30 minutes.

Red-haired girls and browns can enhance or strain their natural color so:

  • Bright golden. 200 g. Low husk pour in one liter of boiling water. Hold on a water bath for 30 minutes and then strain.
  • Reddish-orange. 50 g. Low husk and 150 ml of water boil on low heat for 20 minutes.
  • Reddish brown. 3 tablespoons with a slide of black tea pour into one glass of water and cook on a very small heat for 20 minutes, and then strain.

All decoctions need to be applied to wet hair and keep to get the desired shade.

Nature and brunettes did not go around and also offers folk remedies for more saturated colors:

  • Brown. 5 tablespoons of crushed dry lindens pour water (500 ml). Cook on fire until the decoction decreases in the amount of twice.
  • Chestnut. A glass of dry ingredients taken in equal proportions (linden twigs, nettle leaves, oak bark and cortex crust), pour one liter of water and boil one hour.

Just as previous, these decoctions need to be strain and keep on the hair to the expected result.

As you can see, you can give a new shade, without buying expensive paints and not spending money on fashionable beauty salons. All presented vegetable remedies can be bought in Phytoaptech or collect and dry them in the summer, when will be resting at the cottage. Be beautiful, and nature will help you in this.

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