How to paint hair tips

How to paint hair tips

A girl who wants to stand out from the total mass of his girlfriends, can paint hair tips absolutely in any color. Then it certainly will not remain unnoticed, especially if the tips are blue or green.

You can paint hair tips at least in the cabin, at least at home. Now we will tell you how to do it yourself. Staining can be radical or temporary. Radically - this is when the ends of strands are painted with chemical dyes, it will be possible to change the color by the same staining. And temporary is staining with cleaning means: special color chalks, carcasses, lucky and sprays.

In order to paint the tips forever, they first need to brighten up any brightening paint. For this, the hair is disassembled on strands, the ends of the desired length are stacked on the ribbons from the foil and are processed by the clarifier. After the ends of the strands become a much brighter of the total mass of the hair, they can be painted in the desired color using conventional hair paint. The paint must be applied in the same way as the clarifier composition, i.e. Every strand wrap in Foil. Lighten the tips, and then it is necessary to paint, strictly follow the instructions for the clarifier and paint.

If you want the hair tips to be painted strictly along the horizontal line, then the hair needs to be divided into very thin strands, and each of them is tightly tightening with a rubber band along the staining line.

Special colorful crayonsand taste The tips are painted by simply applying them on clean and dry hair. With crayons, you can experiment and the tips of different strands are painted in different colors. What is good staining - it is washed off by ordinary shampoo.

Girls with light hair can paint the tips with a semi-edible method, i.e. paint will withstand 2-3 head sinks. To do this, take any color food dye, to dilute it to the desired tone with water. Then boil five minutes and in turns to lower the hair tips. Holding the hair for 2-3 minutes in colored water, you need to fix the result, dipping the tips into the water, acidified with lemon juice.

The hair tips will be able to paint in different colors and horizontally, i.e. On one strand, the color can alternate, for example: pink bottom, red middle, and the main color of the hair is black. It all depends on your imagination and a common conceived style. Staining technique is the same as described above.

Well, all - the tips of the hair shine with all the colors of the rainbow! And the girlfriends are jealous and asked the recipe, how to paint the tips of the hair.

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