How to paint hair bass

How to paint hair bass

In Soviet times, when there were no abundance of cosmetics on the store shelves, many women enjoyed natural hair dyes. In addition to all the famous henna, Basma was very popular. Today, both the other powder can be found in any store, and if a woman wants her hair except beautiful color, she also had a well-groomed look, then she needs to pay attention to the bass.

Natural dye is made of dried leaf of tropical plant "Indigofer". The powder itself is a greenish-gray powder, so if you enjoy only them one, then the hair will surely turn into a greenish-bluish color. So that this does not happen, the bass need to be mixed with henna or with ground natural coffee.

With the help of bass, in combination with other ingredients, hair can be painted in colors, starting with iscine-black and ending with dark russes. The proportions that need to be observed to obtain the desired color:

  • Dark Blonde (1 part of the Basma, 1 part of the henna) - keep on hair no more than 20 minutes;
  • Chestnut (1 part of the bass, 1 part of the henna) - keep on her hair 1.5 hours;
  • Bronze (1 part of the bass, 2 pieces of henna) - keep on hair 2 hours;
  • Black (2 parts of the bass, 1 part of the henna) - keep on hair 2 hours.

With the help of adding to the mixture to staining some of the ground coffee instead of the henna part, you can get more rich and deep chestnut and bronze color.

In order to paint the hair with natural dyes, the hair predeter must be washed out with the usual shampoo, wipe it well with a towel and closer his head with a different dry terry towel. While you prepare the painting mixture, the hair under the towel will be sinking just before the state when they are best to apply paint.

Dry bass and henu in the necessary proportions should be mixed in a glass or porcelain bowl, and adding hot water to it with a thin flowing (at least 90 degrees), constantly mix. Water pouring until the mixture becomes like a particularly thick sour cream. Next, you need to give the mixture to stand five minutes so that all the ingredients in it are swollen, and at this time on all areas of the skin near the hair of any fat cream. Natural dyes are very painted with skin, and the cream will become in this case.

It is necessary to apply a vegetable colorful mixture to wet hair as well as the usual paint, starting with the occipital part and separating the hair on strands. After full application of paint on the hair, it is necessary to wear a polyethylene cap for the shower, and from above, it is still a large and thick terry towel - vegetable paint to more chemical dyes, requires heat for its impact on hair.

After the hair is painted, the painting the mixture must be washed off with warm water without a shampoo. Hair is better to wash under running water, while using a comb for combing particles of bass, henna and coffee.

Depending on the structure and natural color of the hair, the exposure time of the coloring mixture on the hair can be changed. An experimental method, a woman can achieve exactly the color that it fully arranges. If the first time turned out to be much darker from the first time, which was supposed, then the painted hair must be well rinsed with a lemon juice with a lemon juice. With the help of acid, it is possible to lighten the resulting color to one or two tones.

If you have already painted the hair with Basma, and then decided to go to chemical dyes, be sure to tell your wigmarachera masters about it. It may be that they will not be able to "make friends" and as a result, the hair will get absolutely unpredictable color.

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