How to choose hair paint

How to choose hair paint

Hair paint selection is a responsible step. Incorrectly chosen color or composition will not only bring frustrating and bad mood, but can also spoil the hairstyle for a long time. Before you give preference to any product, it is necessary to consider several factors and recommendations, which will ensure that the desired result will ensure. The fact that it is recommended to take care of attention will be discussed in the article.

Types of paints for hair

The market for cosmetic products today presents a lot of various trademarks engaged in the production of hair staining. To make the right choice, you must first understand the existing types of paints. Hair dyes are natural, physical, chemical.
Basma and Henna are widely known from the natural. They not only help change the hair color, but also have a healing effect. The only minus is limited color opportunities. For this reason, if you want more fundamental changes in appearance - without the achievement of the modern beauty industry, it is not necessary to do here. In this case, you need to use physical or chemical products.
Physical include a variety of shade, which, not penetrating into the hair, simply envelop its colored film. They give color and shine, but wash off after 4-5 head washing.
Chemical preparations are all known persistent paints, holding on the hair quite a long time, but at the same time violating their structure.

Ammonia and non -ammatic paints: what to choose

These are the most common types of chemical dyes for hair, the difference between which is part. In ammonia, persistent coloring result is ensured by the use of the same chemical component, and hydrogen peroxide is used in non-smith.
Ammonia paints provide color durability, painted well with gray and allow you to drastically change the shade of the hair. But it is associated with a number of risks, among which is a possible allergic reaction, cutting, damage, hair weakening. Neammatic paints have a more gentle formula, but there will be no sharp change in color with their help. They are worse fighting with gray and keep much smaller, but at the same time evenly and almost completely washed off, which is very good if the experimentation with the color failed.

How to choose a suitable shade

To not be disappointed in the choice made, never choose the desired tone in the picture on the box. It will be more correct to use the shades table with the samples presented. At the same time, keep in mind that the hair used for the palette is artificial, and they show the perfect shade. When painting the natural chapels, the pigment absorbs a little differently, besides, the original color of the hair is very important.

Learning packaging

There is a lot of important information on the packaging box, which should not be overlooked from the view.

The most important thing to pay attention to:

  • Packaging integrity. It should not be damaged.
  • Production date. The overdue product will not only do not give the desired color, but also can provoke hair damage.
  • Title name and number. Carefully check them with the card, according to the color, not to make a mistake.
  • Ammonia percentage content. The more it is used in the composition, the more resistant to washing the paint, but the hair is more damaged.

Attentive attitude to the choice of paint will ensure the receipt of the desired result without any problems and further negative consequences.

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