Hair iron how to choose

Hair iron how to choose

One of the fundamental criteria when choosing an iron - gentle effect on the hair. But, besides this, there is still a mass of nuances that affect the choice of a particular model: the material and the optimal width of the plate, the form, a set of functions and nozzles, a manufacturer.

Coating of heating plates

Metal Iron - inexpensive, but the hair is merciless. Ceramic plates are more stable, they are distinguished by uniform warming and a slide of hair. A more advanced option is a teflon spraying ceramics to which cosmetics do not stick. Ion-ceramic models, heating, give negatively charged particles, which have a beneficial effect on the hair structure, smooth out the exporting scales, secting tips, prevents magnetization. Excellent characteristics have tourmaline iron and marble with ceramics. Ceramics heats the hair, and marble it cools.

Suitable width plate

Owners of hair length to shoulders can be limited to an iron with a width of a plate 2-2.5 cm. If the length of the hair comes to the blades, the width of the plates should be within 3 -4 cm. For thick hair below the blades, it is more convenient to use the plates with a width of 7-8 cm.

What to choose the form of the working part

Plates with straight corners will suit those who use the iron only for straightening. Make curls or twisted tips better iron with rounded corners.

Additional nozzles

Usually additional nozzles are included with the middle class iron, less often with professional, but this does not mean that they are not useful or not effective:

  • On the iron with removable comb, it is worth paying attention to the owners of a slightly curly or very naughty hair. Comb prevents the ironing or broken locks on the plates.
  • Nozzle-tongs are used for curling.
  • Spiral the nozzle uses for twisting long hair.
  • A wavy nozzle allows you to create a curling with the effect of "corrugation".

Optimum operating temperature

For normal hair, a temperature of 230 ° C is suitable, but dry, painted or damaged hair it can cause irreparable harm, for them 150-80 ° C. The maximum possible temperature is 280 ° C.

Additional features and opportunities

Professional irons are distinguished by the presence of many additional functions, and this is quite justified, because hairdressers have to come across every day with different types of hair. Ordinary user devices can only have one function - heating.

Consider useful options. Read more:

  • The heating indicator indicates that the device is ready for operation.
  • Temperature control can be mechanical or electronic, such models are equipped with a display.
  • The heating rate can be up to 10-20 seconds, but if it is not fundamental, then this function can be saved.
  • The ability to dry wet hair eliminates the need to dry them with a pre-hairdryer, reduces the duration of thermal exposure.
  • Automatic shutdown is useful for those who often laid hair in a hurry.
  • The length of the cord in conventional models rarely exceeds 1.5 m, whereas professional - 3 m or more.

Choosing a manufacturer

Choosing the manufacturer, it is worth a preference to firms specializing in techniques for beauty and health. You can mark GAMA iron (, Moser, Remington, Babyliss and Philips. Not bad reviews about the rectifiers of CeraStyle, Hairway, Rowenta, Braun.

It is worth remembering that a good iron can not be cheap, but also to buy a professional model is not always appropriate.

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