Degrad on hair

Degrad on hair

Unusual makeup, new style of clothing or bright accessories - what else is needed in order to change the image and surprise those around your reincarnation. You may not have such cardinal solutions at once. After all, you can blind all with your beauty thanks to a gorgeous hairstyle and a new hair shade. We offer a revolutionary solution in the fashion world - "Degrad". Let's consider in detail how to create the effect of "degrad" on the hair.

Degrad (or armor) is a new style in the beauty industry that came to us from France, which means "halftone". To date, it is still applied more often in hair coloring and gaining its popularity even among world stars. It is a "mix" of several colors in a vertical or horizontal location. As a rule, the roots are applied with dark shades, and the length of the hair is brighter. In this case, the transition in the color scheme can be smooth or sharp - it depends on the desire of the client itself.

Depending on the paint application techniques distinguish:

  1. A classic approach - in this case, 2 colors are used with a smooth transition or an intermediate shade;
  2. Multi-color armor - up to 6 different variations of colors are used here.

Tip: If you have a beautiful color of the hair, then you do not need to cry around the length, but you can only give a light shade with tips. Thus, you will not damage your hair so much and get the expected effect.

In order to make degrads on her hair, it is not necessary to access the professional stylist. Undoubtedly, in beauty salons you will always be happy, but this pleasure is not cheap. Therefore, with a great desire, it can be done at home. First you need to choose the desired color and get paint. It is best to use not too sharp transition in the color scheme. That is, if you have a dark chestnut hair color, you will need paint "light chestnut" or other light tones. For the owners of blonde hair, you will need a pigment of the Blond series. If you have not yet shared your hair in this way, you can see for advice to the master or read the recommendations in the revocation resources.

To paint hair at home, you will need:

  • Paint (two colors);
  • Paint brushes (preferably purchased it in a specialized store);
  • Glass or plastic bowl (for mixing paint);
  • Bathrobe, unnecessary T-shirt or special cape;
  • Several pairs of gloves;
  • Clamps, hairpins or "crabs";
  • Hairbrush.

Now, if you have all the necessary tools, you can proceed to work.

The technique of applying classical degrads begins with the toning of the roots. If you have a dark hair color, you are suitable for paint only on an ammonia basis, otherwise it can simply "not take." Divide it according to the instructions from the manufacturer - as indicated on the package. It is very important to observe the necessary proportions of the staining substance and the oxidant. Then apply it on the roots of your hair and leave for 15-20 minutes. After that, wash the paint and dry your hair.

The next stage is the applying of the second shade. To do this, secure the hair stained earlier on the painter. You need to cry out the remaining hair with a lighter shade - only not throughout the length, but half. If you want to make a "transition" between colors, you will need another, brighter tone, for tips. However, do not overdo it with the color range, because you do not color, but the technique of "degrad". It is very important not to redeem the paint at the ends, as this can give them a "inanimate" view. Therefore, it is best to leave hair with a dye no more than 20-30 minutes, after which they need to be thoroughly rinsed and dried. Do not forget about a special balsam after applying shampoo, it will make hair more "obedient." Now you can only enjoy your new fashionable hairstyle!

If you act according to the instructions described above, you will not be much difficult to paint the hair in the style of "degrad". Such an effect can stay long on the hair - up to 3 months. However, with a big desire, you can paint it at any time with one tone.

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