How to paint your hair with tonic

How to paint your hair with tonic

Did you decide to change your hair color or give it a more rich and bright shade? Take advantage of the tonic that does not contain ammonia and does not destroy the hair structure. Due to the content of natural components, the balm has a healing effect.

Manufacturers that produce shade balsams for hair offer a huge color palette, ranging from the brightest shades and ending with dark. It has a wide variety of bright colors: red, orange and even blue and green. By preferring one or another tint, consider your coloring to create a harmonious and bright image. The selected color should be on the tone darker of your original hair color.

For painting hair you need:

  • the selected tonic shade;
  • glass or plastic container;
  • hairbrush;
  • tassel for coloring;
  • cape;
  • disposable gloves.

Before applying tonic, you must wash the hair with shampoo and dry the towel. On the shoulders put on a protective cape or towel. To avoid painting the skin of the face, use the bold cream. Cover the arms of the forehead line and neck, as well as ears. Put the gloves on the arms and pour the squeezing balm into the glass container. Some manufacturers are recommended to breed a cold water, this information is specified on the package.

Tonic is evenly applied to wet hair with a brush. Staining begins with a frontal part of the head. The hair is divided into small strands. Gradually move to the back of the head. After applying the entire balm, use the comb with rare cloths and extend all hair. Massaging his head with hands, fooled tool.

Assemble your hair in the tail and the plastic hairpin. Cover your head with polyethylene ultrasound and leave a means for 20-30 minutes, depending on the desired result. The longer the excerpt will be, the stronger the final result will be. Then rinse the hair with warm water without using a shampoo. As soon as water flowing from the hair becomes transparent, apply a lotion to secure the resulting shade and give hair even more shine. After 5 minutes, thoroughly rinse the hair with water and dry them with a towel.

With the right selection of stench tonic and compliance with the color of the color, you will get a rich color and well-groomed hair for 2-3 weeks.

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