How to paint eyebrows at home

How to paint eyebrows at home

Eyebrows, like the skin, require a certain care, because with their help you can make the look expressive. The most interesting thing is that most girls tapping this line over their eyes every day, and only a few resort to the staining procedure or make a tattoo. In this article we will tell how to paint eyebrows at home.

Purchase paint

With the help of painting, you will be able to forget about pencils and eyebrow shadows for 14-30 days. First you need to purchase paint. It can be black or brown. Some companies produce blond colors. Choose the coloring composition depending on your natural hair. Blondes and girls with blond hair should not get black paint, give preference to brown or blond.

How to paint eyebrows at home

Before the staining procedure, try not to apply fatty cream or oil into the hairs. All strengthening manipulations are better to do after painting. Be sure to remove the remnants of makeup. With a cotton wand, lubricate the skin around the eyebrow of the Vaseline, it will prevent its pollution of the paint.

How to paint eyebrows at home

Staining procedure

Mix in plastic or glass containers The contents of two bags of packaging with paint. This is a painting composition and oxidizing agent. If you purchase a large packaging of the means, use a measuring spoon for dosage of components. Stir the ingredients with a plastic spoon or a conventional cotton wand. Apply paint into the hairs, trying not to affect the skin. If your hand shook, moisten a cotton wand in water and carefully remove the paint from the skin. This procedure helps to finally adjust the eyebrows.

Leave the composition on the hair for 5-20 minutes. The exact time is indicated in the instructions for your paint. Before the staining procedure, carefully consider the contents of the packaging. Some manufacturers are inserted into the box plastic container for mixing the oxidizing agent and paint, gloves, brush and cotton woven discs. After time, moisten with water and carefully remove the eyebrow agent. Spill warm water and apply a ray or castor oil into the hairs. These funds will help strengthen eyebrows and make them shiny.

How to paint eyebrows at home

Correction and eyebrows

Try to perform the staining procedure before correction. So you make the hairs more clearly, which will accelerate and simplify the process of their accumulation. Some masters before the coloring procedure are conducted by a white pencil on the eyebrow contour. It will help not to go beyond the borders and will prevent paint to the skin.

How to remove errors

If after painting you got out for the contours and you have spots on the skin, do not be discouraged. Paint residues are easily removed by perhydropol or curl. Moisten a cotton wand in the liquid and wipe the plot that you want to discolor. Try not to affect the hairs. If you did not like the result, you can remove paint from the hair with a special wash. Do not try to lighten the hair with perhydroly.

As you can see, paint your eyebrows is very simple. If you like this procedure, buy a large paint vial, so you can save.

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