How to paint paint eyebrows

How to paint paint eyebrows

Tired of "drawing" a pencil eyebrows every day? So you have already matured for more radical measures - paint eyebrows. Browing coloring gives a long-lasting stable effect. First, set the basics of the procedure, and in the future the operation will take a few minutes.

Selecting paint

Without paint it is impossible to start staining. Therefore, decide which paint will be used.

Composition of funds

It is desirable that natural components prevailed in the paint: olive oil, nutrients, etc. Lead, heavy metals are unacceptable components. Try to get paint without ammonia. It costs more, but it will be justified. Swipe allergens test. Sat a small amount of paint to the ear tip, if after 8 hours the change is invisible, it means everything is in order.

Consistency and other features

Paint is pasty, like a gel, crumbly, etc. Practical and convenient - pasty and gel composition. Decide with packaging: Is it worth gaining a large-volume tube, maybe stop the choice on a disposable set? When buying a tip of a significant size, pay attention to the shelf life. Do not use paint for hair. It is stronger and can burn the skin or damage the hairs.

Color selection

In addition, it is necessary to correctly choose the color of the paint. It must be combined with the color of the hair on the head and look natural. The palette of paints for eyebrows is limited to several colors:

  • black;
  • brown;
  • gray.

There are also various shades. But remember, paint for eyebrows should be darker for several tones from the hairproof head. The most productive is black. It predominantly enjoy brunettes and browns. Brown shades will suit people with blond hair. Gray - universal color with natural effect. It is used by the owner of both dark and light hair. Over time, experimentally determine the more accurate shade.

List of inventory

For coloring, you should get the desired inventory. Some paints are sold in the set, but the auxiliary items are usually improper quality. Therefore, it is better to buy them yourself. The list includes:

  • tassel (not very soft);
  • shallow jar (non-metallic);
  • blade or spoon for mixing;
  • dilution oxide;
  • gloves, cotton wand, napkins;
  • cape for shoulders;
  • cream or Vaseline.

First learn the instructions. The basic recommendations are the same for all colors. But there are various nuances: a period of painting, the ratio of the parts of the composition. Go to the next stage.

Preparatory activities

Before self-painting prepare all the skin of the face. For this:

  1. Wash your face thoroughly.
  2. Be sure to dry the surface of the face.
  3. The area of \u200b\u200bthe skin near the eyebrows is treated with a cream or vaseline.
  4. On top of the cream, place your cotton or a napkin carved by eyebrow contour.

Stages of painting eyebrows

So, the paint was chosen, conducted an eyebrow correction, and now fix the result. Try to choose the time when nothing will distract you. When painting, it is important not to hurry and focus. We act like this:

  1. According to the instructions, we squeeze proportionally dye and oxidizing agent. Mockedly mix.
  2. We put the brush in the paint, we recruit a sufficient amount of the composition and put on the eyebrow line.
  3. Try not to deviate from the eyebrow line so that they look carefully.
  4. The process of coloring is carried out by half a walk so that the composition does not float. Better at all lie.
  5. Time painting is indicated in the instructions. But for thin hair we reduce it. The longer you hold the paint, the time is rich. But it is impossible to disturb much. Hair can fall out.
  6. If the paint came out, beyond the contour, remove the surplus with a cotton walle, moistened in the cosmetics with removal of cosmetics.
  7. After the expiration, remove the paint residues with a napkin. Wash the liquid.


High-quality paint is washed off in a month. This is due to the natural shift of the hair. The eyebrows begin to look dim, so they should be twisted monthly. Try in the area of \u200b\u200bthe eyebrows not to use cosmetics - it will extend the period to the new color. Sign up hair painted with natural oils. Do not adjust the eyebrows before painting. It is better to make an outline per day before the procedure.

The use of the preparation for painting is a simple procedure that does not require much time. All event, including training, lasts 25-30 minutes. But then four weeks for makeup eyebrows can not worry.

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