Beautifully painted lips are always advantageous to complement makeup and, of course, attract the attention of others. As you know, to make up your lips, not only lipstick, shine, but also a contour pencil is used. With the help of this special pencil, you can easily emphasize the natural beauty or a little correcting the form: to give thin lips volume or, on the contrary, reduce too complete lips. Here are some simple tips how to do it.
Lip Drawing Technique Pencil
If the shape of the lips does not need correction, we do everything according to the following instructions:
- To start the lip must be prepared for makeup. The first step is to purify the skin of the lips, this is done by a special tonic, and even better to use the scrub. If the skin is dry and there are cracks on it, then it is necessary to moisten it with a balm. Then the thin layer is applied with a tone cream or a base for makeup.
- Pencils carefully carry out the contour line on the middle part of the lower lip, then draw the recess on the upper lip and only then lead the lines to the corners of the mouth. If you do not have a beautiful smooth line, then for convenience you can make points along the contour, and then connect them. Women with a round form of face is recommended to draw contour with straight lines, with a narrow form - more curved.
- Slightly decide the pencil line so that the contour was invisible under the lipstick. It is necessary to do it from the outside of the lips to the inner to save the clarity of the upper line. It is very convenient to use a special tassel for the decisive. In order for makeup to be more resistant, you can completely paint the lips with a pencil, because lipstick is very quickly erased, and the pencil base holds about eight hours.
How to give lips volume
If there is a need to visually give lips volume, we spend the contour of the lips, leaving for the natural border, but it is not more than a couple of millimeters to preserve naturalness. Then they completely score the lips with a pencil. You can also carry out a white-colored pencil thin line along the contour and a little growing it out. After that, you can apply lipstick and shine. Lipstick is better to use bright shades.
How to reduce lips with a pencil
If you need to visually reduce the lips, first we apply to the sponge of the lips on the entire contour, after which they draw a pencil line, slightly retreating from the outer edge. Recess on the upper lip need to draw more common and smoothed. If the mouth is wide, then the corners of the lip of the pencil are not necessary. Lipstick, in this case, it is recommended to select dark and matte shades.
When drawing a lip with a pencil, most importantly, radically not to change the natural borders of the lips, otherwise the makeup will look unhappy and spoil the whole image. Well, it is important to correctly pick up a contour pencil, it must completely coincide with the color of lipstick, it is allowed to distinguish between the colors of only one tone. Too solid pencil may damage the skin of the lips, and dry will be difficult to draw a flat line. If you follow these simple recommendations, you can emphasize the beauty of your lips with the help of the contour pencil and hide all the minor flaws.