How to apply a red lipstick

How to apply a red lipstick

Thanks to the red lipstick, the lips become exquisite, expressive. On the shows of fashion girls, mannequin girls often make makeup with bright red lips. There was not a single season so that the red was bypassed. It is this color that attracts attention to the beautiful floor. Some women believe that they are not red against them. This statement is incorrect. It is only necessary to choose the right tone correctly, because the red large number of shades have a red. And if you also apply a red lipstick according to the rules, the view will be perfect.

Before proceeding to lips, align the skin tone on the face. Apply a tone cream, otherwise the red lipstick will only aggravate all the disadvantages. And it is impossible that the tone base falls on the lips. Due to illiterate makeup, the skin on the lips dries. This can not be allowed. Professionals recommend to moisten the basis for lipstick before applying lipstick. After half a minute, flush the napkin so that there is no excessive moisture.

Consiller or pencil is used to create a clear boundary. The color gamut is selected either under lipstick, or to tone is darker. Most of the makeup artists prefers exactly pencils for the contour, and sharply sharpened. So the borders are clear and do not spread. If you wish to give your lips of fluffiness, then use a natural color pencil to the tone of the luminous skin of the face. First, starting from the middle of the upper lip, carefully draw the contour with a red pencil. Then also from the middle of the lips, draw the lower border. After that, beige outline another border on top of the red.

Draw a thin layer with a consilet with a thin layer if there is no pencil. It turns out a good resistant base for any red lipstick. Now you will not need to look at the mirror all the time and correct the broken lipstick.

So we got to the main process. We take a flat little brush, apply a red lipstick. Collect the lips of the most lipstick experts do not advise. Tassel turns out to be applied neatly, evenly. It is convenient to paint the corners of the lips and not go out. Consider that wine color is preferable for girls with light skin. Scarlet, juicy lips perfectly emphasize blue, green eyes, equally fit and blondes and brunettes.

In the presence of errors, swallow them with a cotton wand, correct the emils with a pencil. Get out the napkin surplus lipstick. Do not press the upper and lower lip, as the lipstick is moving and is distributed unevenly, especially if it is fat. To fix the result, the makeup artists use a professional retainer. This cosmetic product is expensive, you can buy it in online stores. After applying the retainer, lipstick will not stay even on the pillow after sleep. Wash it will succeed in special means for make-up removal. In no case do not erase lips just with a rut dipped in water. So you only rub the cosmetics in the pores of the skin. It is better then to dilute cosmetics, rubbish the lips with ordinary oil (olive, nuts), and the minutes through two erase lipstick.

Remember that the red is a color of bold, confident in yourself. If the girl struck red lipstick, as written above, then it will become attractive. The admiring glances of men are provided. From discussion by women, she also does not leave. Thanks to the correctly selected tone, it will emphasize the expressiveness of their eyes, hair color, and even outfit with such makeup will look different.

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