How to pick up the color of lipstick

How to pick up the color of lipstick

Properly chosen shade of lipstick not only adorns a woman, but also makes her image more mysterious, gentle and sexy. It is necessary to approach the choice of the color of the lipstick with special care, because the incredibly squeezed shade may completely spoil the whole image and the impression of the beauty of a woman. There are many factors that will help determine what color lipstick will decorate you.

Types of lip lipsticks

Lipstick has a huge number of different shades. All the colors of lipstick are made to divide on three types:

  • Cold colors are all shades of pink color.
  • Warm shades are denoted by coral, orange or peach colors.
  • Neutral represent all shades of beige and brown.

How to choose a lipstick

Before purchasing a lipstick, you need to know how to choose it correctly. To do this, you need to learn to pick up lipstick, taking into account the skin color, face form, eye color, lip shape, hair color and age.

How to choose lipstick by age

In order to correctly choose lipstick, we recommend paying attention to age. Over the years, women's lips gradually become already. In this case, you should not choose bright colors, it is better to use pink or beige shades of lipstick.

How to choose lipstick in the form and color of the teeth

You will be surprised, but lipstick can visually correct the shape of the teeth, and also whiten. For women with a curved form of teeth, it is strictly not recommended to use the bright colors of lipstick. And in order to visually whiten your teeth, use warm shades of lipstick.

How to choose lipstick

To pick up lipstick on the shape of lips, it is important to know that the dark shades visually narrow the lips, and the bright the opposite is increased. Girls with thin lips are recommended to use not only light shades of lipstick, but on top of covering lips glitter lips.

For asymmetric lips, we also recommend purchasing bright shades of lipstick, and better translucent colors. You can also use light lipstick, and on top of applied lip gloss - this application will give the volume to your lips visually.

How to pick up lipstick

  • Brown eyes. Girls with brown eyes are ideal for neutral shades of lipsticks, such as beige, terracotta or brown.
  • Dark eyes. Holders of dark eyes need to choose the most light neutral colors, such as light beige or gentle pink.
  • Grey-blue eyes. Girls with this color of the eyes can choose pink, red and wine colors, while the color saturation is not important.
  • Green eyes. Green eye holders are better to use lipsticks of pink, red and terracotta colors.

How to choose lipstick on hair color

  • Brunettes with a bright skin type. Pink or coral color of lipstick is ideal for a bright type of female skin. Day makeup can be decorated with a translucent lip gloss, in the evening you can use darker shades of lipstick.
  • Brunettes with dark skin type. The owners of dark hair and skin can not be armed using bright lipstick tones, thanks to such a combination of colors, a female image looks very decorated. Such women fit literally all shades, ranging from a gentle pink, ending with dark burgundy. It is recommended to avoid beige shades of lipstick, since the lips of this color will look extremely unnatural.
  • Blondes with bright skin type. Women with blond hair and skin is most suitable pink or beige colors. In addition, for evening makeup, you can use terracotta or bright red lipstick.
  • Blondes with dark skin color. Winners of light hair and dark skin are recommended to use bronze, brown or peach lipstick. Also on top of the lipstick you can apply lip gloss, it will significantly allocate the volume of your lips.

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