How to choose hair color online

How to choose hair color online

Before deciding to the cardinal shift of the appearance through hairstyle or hair color, most of the women carefully, as it will look after the "risky step". Online services can come to the rescue in solving such an important issue, where you can safely experiment with the appearance.

First of all, find the appropriate profile. It must be high quality, face in the face, preferably without makeup and collected back hair. If there is no such photo - make it. Programs intended for the selection of hairstyles and hair colors cannot edit your appearance in the photo, so extra hair will only interfere with the perception of the updated image.

The desired program can be found in the search engine and download. Some resources offer services for the selection of hairstyles, haircuts and hair colors online. You can experiment not only with the color of the hair, but also with long haircuts, styling, eye color, make-up, and even with headdresses.

Many online resources offer services for free, with registration and without. So, for example, on a rather reputable site This will require registration. Having passed it, you will get access to the wide possibilities of changing the image - from makeup to hairstyles.

Russian-speaking site It also offers various images. The procedure is standard - load the right photo, make special labels on the face (eye shape, lips, and so on) and get into the menu selection of hair color, hairstyles and styling. You can also "experience" a coloring, timing and other ways to paint hair.

Downloaded and installing a program from the site on your computer get a personal assistant to the selection of the image at your desktop. The program is also available for download for free.

Different as a result of virtual experiments you can "share" on social networks, save on a computer, print and offer your hairdresser as a guide to action.

If you change the appearance, you are still afraid, consult with a specialist in the beauty salon. There will define your coloring, based on what they will advise, what hair color will be suitable for you.

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