How to choose face cream

How to choose face cream

Any skin, even the most ideal, needs permanent care. Proper lifestyle and competently selected cream - this is simple rules with which you can forget about skin problems. About how to choose cream for your face we will tell in this article.

What do you need a face cream

There are many reasons why the use of this cosmetics is necessary for us, but the main ones are:

  • the skin after time becomes less elastic and elastic, it begins to fade, visible wrinkles are formed;
  • with age, the skin ceases to cope with harmful solar radiation, which leads to burns and even contributes to the formation of cancer;
  • our skin with difficulty copes with the conditions of the external environment - strong wind, temperature differences, insufficient air humidity, etc.;
  • the condition of the skin is influenced by urban pollution from exhaust pipes, roads, dust, harmful emissions, etc.

All these and many other problems contribute to the fact that the skin loses his former youth. Salvish from this helps the cream, which are selected individually for each type of skin.

What face cream matches you

Before choosing a face cream, we will define the skin type. All of them can be conditionally divided into five categories: normal, oily, dry, combined (mixed) and sensitive.

Normal leather

Normal skin is when there is no fat shine, acne, "black dots", no tightening, peeling and a lot of other, which spoils the appearance of the face. This type of skin does not need abundant moisture, nutrition or protection. Caring for normal skin is in careful cleansing, as well as in the use of a bold or low-fat cream.

Oily skin

Unlike normal type, oily skin is due to the presence of oily shine, "black dots", acne, etc. For such a face, the cream must be moisturizing and nutritious. Best of all, gels or cream on a low-fat basis are coping with this role. The composition of these creams usually includes yarrow or chamomile extracts, calendula.

Dry skin

With dry leather, after washing, it is felt tightening and without cream leather begins to peel. For such a skin, cosmetics for enhanced nutrition - fatty or bold creams are best suited. The recipe of these funds should include substances such as elastin, hyaluronic acid and collagen.

Combined leather

Mixed can combine signs of other skin types. For such skin, it is necessary to pick up fat, bold creams or gels. It all depends on the individual sensations and needs of the skin.

Sensitive skin

The sensitive skin of the face will be marked by redness, manifestation of spots, peeling, itching, depth, irregularity, etc. Owners of this type require certain funds. Sensitive skin creams have an appropriate packaging mark. The main thing - before buying to test it for the presence of allergic reactions.

Whatever skin type you have - you can not forget about useful cosmetics. But it is necessary to select cream solely under your individual case. Remember, the use of the right creams has not been harmful. They help keep the skin of the face in a tone, contribute to its nutrition, moisturizing and many other things.

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Arina 08/12/2019 at 10:45.

The creams of these for some reason, many perceive as the basis for skin care. But the root is incorrect. As an addition - yes, and the basis will always be additives and proper nutrition. I have been restricting sweets, and from additives in obligatory marine collagen Evalarovsky accept (I take it, because the form is bioavailable). I am not complaining about what)) in my 40 nobody gives me 30))

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