Cocoa oil for face, how to use

Cocoa oil for face, how to use

Cocoa oil is widely used in cosmetology. All because it has a variety of useful properties, moreover, has a delicious fragrance of chocolate, which makes the procedure pleasant and relaxing. This product is used to eliminate the problem of dry, susceptible to peeling, oily and fading skin. Methods, how to use cocoa oil for face, are described below.

Cocoa cream

To combat dry, deprived of moisture, as well as aging skin, oil can be used, replacing face cream. Depending on the problem, there are various recipes for cooking creams:

  • Wash your hands, clean your face from cosmetics and contaminants. In order for the oil to become liquid, squeeze his piece in your hand, then spread them all the face. Such chocolate cream is best suited for applying to bed.
  • Melt 20 grams of oil, pour 5 ml of any oil of liquid consistency (sea buckthorn, peach, almond or even vegetable) and a small amount of cream you use. Such a composition fights perfectly with peeling and dehydration.
  • To the tablespoon of cocoa oil add a dessert spoonful of paraffin and lanoline, one tablespoon of vaseline and several spoons are not alcohol pink water.
  • The mixture is warm in water bath to absolute dissolution, then mix well and cool down. Place the cream to any container. This recipe is suitable for dealing with signs of aging.

Masks made of cocoa oil

Cocoa Oil-based Mask Recipes:

  • For mask from wrinkles in 40 grams of cocoa butter, add chicken yolk, a dessert spoonful of honey and a little bit of lemon juice. Hold on your face no more than 20 minutes.
  • For deep moistening of the epidermis, improving the color of the face and giving the skin of the tone, a small amount of oil from cocoa grains mix with a teaspoon of aloe juice and chamomile oil. Such a mask must be kept on the face for half an hour.
  • For oily leather with advanced pores, a mask of 40 grams of cocoa butter, sour cream and egg squirrel is suitable. The mixture is necessary to wash well and impose on the face for 15 minutes.

Scrub with cocoa butter

Such a scrub is suitable for almost any skin, exception is a very fatty type:

  • Melt 50 grams of chocolate oil on a water bath, add a dessert spoonful of honey.
  • Remove from the fire and mix. In the mixture, pour 40 grams of Hercules flakes and any crushed nuts in the same amount. Mix everything thoroughly and cool down.
  • Apply the scrub needed circular motions on cleaned and wet skin, rub in a few minutes, and then wash off with water.

Leather oil around the eyes

For productive care for the delicate area around the eyes, the following methods are suitable:

  • Compress. Melt 20 grams of oil, moisten cotton spongats in it and attach to the ages for 10-15 minutes.
  • To combat shallow wrinkles, mix the cocoa butter teaspoon, sea buckthorn and two drops of vitamin E. Apply to the area around the eyes, after 10 minutes, wash.

Lip balm

Nourishing balm with the use of chocolate oil moisturizes and eliminates the cracked lips skin:

  • 40 grams of cocoa butter, 20 grams of oil carite melt on fire.
  • After the oil melt, pour 5 ml of any liquid oil at will. If there are cracks on the lips, the sea buckthorn oil is well suitable.
  • Using a pipette, drip a couple of drops of vitamin E.
  • Put the mass into a clean dry jar from under the cream and put it in the refrigerator for about 40 minutes.

Cocoa oil - a truly wonderful product that will not only help in the fight against problem areas on the face, but also will raise the mood!

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