Face rosemary oil

Face rosemary oil

Rosemary oil is used in the cosmetic industry to create a variety of facial skin care products. You can use it yourself at home, but before that, read the contraindications, and also find out how to correctly prepare healing masks with it.

Therapeutic properties

Rosemary essential oil is mined using steam distillation, from flowers and rosemary leaves. It usually turns out pale yellow, but it is colorless. Rosemary oil has such a beneficial effect on the skin of the face:

  • Normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  • Narrows the advanced pores on the face.
  • Eliminates various rashes on the skin.
  • It smoothes scars, helps to remove traces of acne.
  • Moisturizes, and also softens the skin.
  • Eliminates excessive pigmentation and freckles.
  • Makes the skin more elastic.
  • Heals microcracks.
  • It has an antibacterial property, being a natural antiseptic.
  • Eliminates small wrinkles.
  • Helps in abscesses, ulcers, purulent rash, eczema, boils, rosacea, dermatitis.

If you have oily or problematic skin, use borneo-stone type of rosemary oil. And if dry, mature or prone to peeling is a verbal type.

Rosemary oil recipes

The best option for using this product is to add it to plant basic oils, and then applying the resulting mixtures as cosmetics of various spectrums. It is worth noting that this oil has contraindications for use. They cannot use women who are pregnant, people suffering from hypertension or epilepsy, as well as having excessively sensitive skin. Consider the most effective products containing rosemary oil.

Mask with problem and oily skin

Pour a couple drops of rosemary oil into a tablespoon of grapes. Apply the mask to the face and hold 40 minutes. A visible improvement in the condition of the skin will come in a couple of weeks if you use such a mask regularly.

Mixture from skin rashes

Pour a couple of drops of rosemary oil into a teaspoon of cable oil. Apply the mixture to the inflamed area without touching the skin near it. Repeat the procedure every day.

A mixture of merchants

Pour a couple of drops of rosemary oil into a teaspoon of milk thistle oil. Lubricate the affected areas of the skin every day.

Mixture from excessive pigmentation and freckles

Pour a couple of drops of rosemary oil into a teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil. Apply the mixture directly to parts of the face covered with freckles, or on age spots.

A mixture from scars and traces from acne

Pour a couple of drops of rosemary oil into a teaspoon of cocoa oil. Apply the resulting composition 2 times a day on traces of acne or scars.

Mask with rosemary oil and clay to improve skin condition

Mix a tablespoon of clay (with dry skin, and with problematic or oily - white or blue), mix with a little heated water until the mass is formed by consistency similar to sour cream. Pour 5 drops of rosemary oil into it. Apply a mask to your face, avoiding the skin around the eyes. Rinse it after 15 minutes.

Rosemary oil will quickly solve almost all skin problems if you use it regularly and accurately adhere to the above dosages. Be sure to try to make a cosmetic product at home with the addition of this oil and evaluate all its healing properties.

Comments leave a comment
Marie 07/02/2021 at 12:54

As a cosmetologist, all types of oil strongly do not recommend using on my face. All the same, the pores do not like this. I prefer the departure of the inner-advisable to take the sea collagen from Evalar (due to its high bioavailability) +omega. As a rule, the skin after the introduction of these measures becomes soft and silky))


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