Seam wheat germ oil

Seam wheat germ oil

The embryo is the beginning of life, and Mother Nature took care to ensure a fragile sprout by all the necessary substances for further growth. The unique composition of wheat germ is known since ancient times, and the properties of the oil obtained from them are simply impossible to overestimate.

Basic properties and characteristics of oil

Among other oils, the wheat germ agent is beneficially allocated due to its unique properties and characteristics:

  • The color of the oil of embryos depends on the type of wheat, from which the tool is made, it happens from lightly to a dark-amber shade.
  • The smell of pure oil is sharp, with nutty notes, difficult to perceive, more fragrant means are often added to it.
  • Oil is very thick and practically not used in undivided.
  • Wheat remedy is saturated with vitamin beauty E, contains the whole complex of vitamins B, unsaturated fats, folic acid, a whole complex of useful minerals, has a high content of antioxidants.

Wheat oil action on skin

Wheat oil has a wide range of action and is successfully used in cosmetology:

  • Stimulates cell rejuvenation, refreshes the appearance of any skin.
  • Dry skin moisturizes, softens and nourishes.
  • Rejuvenates the skin, pulls the oval of the face, smoothes wrinkles - effectively for aging skin.
  • Cleans the pores, relieves inflammation - indispensable for fatty, problem skin.
  • He lies the wounds and other damage. Used in the treatment of skin diseases (eczema, dermatitis, neurodermatitis).
  • Refreshes color, tones and leveled the skin.

Methods of application in cosmetology

The oil has a pretty thick bostincy, it is recommended to use it in combination with lighter oils or creams. It is used in various ways:

  • one of the components of the massage;
  • additive in finished cream;
  • component of various masks;
  • summies and appliques for individual areas of the skin;
  • as supplements for improving inside the body.

Use undiluted

Wheat oil has virtually no significant contraindications, it does not cause allergic reactions, but because of its density and saturation is not recommended to use undiluted, pure state.

However, there are cases when you need treatment is undiluted oil:

  1. Winter lubricate lips clean oil before going out. The oil will prevent chapping.
  2. Chapped lips, lubricate with pure wheat oil.
  3. Herpes perleches, wrinkles, inflammation, skin peeling treat applying neat oil.

wheat oil for face masks

Masks made based on wheat germ extract, use for rejuvenation, cleansing and skin whitening.

rejuvenating mask

Prepare for aging skin mask based on wheat:

  1. Take 3 drops of funds from the wheat germ.
  2. Add to it one drop at a variety of essential oils. Suit orange, shea butter, mint.
  3. Oil mix well.
  4. Saturate a cloth prepared for the procedure, a mixture of oils.
  5. Apply on clean face. Do not remove the 20 minutes.

whitening mask

To get rid of age spots, try whitening mask:

  1. Add to oil wheat germ oil peach 1: 3.
  2. Type in one tablespoon of blended oils.
  3. Add to the mixture one drop esters (lemon, juniper, bergamot, grapefruit).
  4. Wet cloth in the lineup, apply to the places where lighting is required (freckles, spots).
  5. The procedure is carried out twice a day.

The mask for acne

Problems with acne decide next mask with wheat oil:

  1. Pour into a container one tablespoon germ oil.
  2. To him drip lavender oil and clove. Each two drops.
  3. Moisten napkin in a mixture of oils.
  4. Apply to the problem areas on the face.

Wheat germ oil is able to give your skin youth and freshness. Use unusual means of makeup on a regular basis, and the result will see in just a few treatments.

Comments leave a comment
Gel 10.11.2020 at 13:34

Well, if you do not feed the skin with nutrients from the inside, then of course there will be a little ..... From any oil, even the topmost. I am on a regular basis, I accept hyaluronic acid on a regular basis (I order phytomarket in the online store, very convenient), collagen, vitamins A and E. The skin is tightened and silky, no peeling ... Although before, too, such problems were just when the outdoor care was relied


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