Petrushka for face

Petrushka for face

Parsley is grown and used in food since ancient times, salads, soups and side dishes do not cost without this plant. Parsley is also an important component of the set of cosmetics. A large amount of vitamins and minerals make it indispensable for skin care. Petrushka rejuvenates, pulls, whitens and nourishes the skin. The cosmetic industry produces cream, lotions, tonic with parsley extract, and at home it is easy to prepare a nutritious and refreshing mask.

The beneficial properties of parses are directly related to the composition. This crispy green grass contains a large set of important components for the whole body. Cosmetics with parsley smoothed wrinkles, renew skin cells, protect against sunlight, stimulate collagen production, thereby rejuvenating the skin. Regular use of masks and creams with parsley removes inflammation, treats acne and rashes, nourishes, moisturizes the skin, gives elasticity and elasticity. At home, you can cook lotion, various masks made of fresh leaf parsley and decoction of dry.

For elasticity and tone, skin is useful daily wipe it with a lotion from parsley. We prepare lotion from washed, crushed parsley leaflets with the addition of calendula colors. Make a mixture with boiling water, strain and give it. Cold Warm face in the morning and in the evening. And you can also freeze and wipe the face and the neck of ice cubes - it perfectly tones and pulls the skin.

We use parsley and skin around the eyes, the mask will help get rid of goose paws, forget about the swelling and circles under the eyes. One teaspoon of finely chopped leaves mix with a spoon of sour cream. Apply for eyelids and skin under the eyes, hold 25 minutes and rinse with warm water. Another recipe is to smash the leaves of parses before the selection of juice, add some black tea and apply the mixture to the eyes.

To eliminate pigment stains and whitening facials use champs and infusions of parsley. A strong decoction of the leaves mix with lemon juice and wipe in the morning and in the evening. You can cook a decoction from an equal amount of parsley leaves and dandelion - pour with water and insist 12 hours. A very effective bleaching agent - parsley juice with milk. With daily use, you will quickly notice a decrease in the number of pigment spots and improve the color of the face.

Most often for skin care, the fresh leaves of parsley take the skin, but also the root of this plant brings a lot of benefit. It is dried, pumped into powder and prepare funds for pulling and updating the skin. Parsley is suitable for all skin types, as well as very useful for fading and tired. Contraindications to use can be only individual intolerance to parsley. Means cooked with it have a limited shelf life, apply them immediately after cooking. Parsley is perfectly combined with a variety of products used to care for face, with oils and herbs.

Cosmetics prepared with their own hands with parsley - these are natural and effective helpers for skin care. A simple unpretentious plant brings huge health, gives beauty and youth.

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Felice 25/04/2021 at 11:13

A beautician spoke to me that it is more useful to do smoothie and take inside parsley. This is chlorophyll and well it is so digested. Much more than outside. At the same time I take another collagen. I have this Evalarov with a dosage of 6000 mg and vitamin C. All together helps hair health and skin maintain at a high level.

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