Whitening Mask from Pigment Spots

Whitening Mask from Pigment Spots

Pigment stains are the result of increased melatonin production. Unevenly painted areas of skin do not add attractiveness to a woman at any age. It is not difficult to get rid of the specks, but first of all, find out the reason for their appearance and consult your doctor and a beautician.

Rules for applying masks from pigment stains

Masks prepared at home are quite effective. But to achieve the desired result and not harm your skin face, strictly follow the following rules:

  1. Use fresh ingredients to prepare masks. Overdue kefir your skin benefit will not bring.
  2. Prepare a mask before applying to the skin, whitening compositions do not store.
  3. Use strictly by recipe and not for a long time.
  4. Whitening masks apply only in the evening.
  5. Keep not long, wash off herbal irons or warm water and be sure to use nutrient cream after a mask.
  6. During the leather bleaching course, use the day of sunscreen, the skin is especially sensitive to the sunshine.
  7. Course masks from pigment spots in the fall or winter.

Masks from pigment spots for oily skin

Pick the mask, given the personal intolerance to the components and the skin type. If you have oily skin, try the following masks that will not only get rid of spots on the face, but also remove the excess shine, depreciates, adjust the fat exchange:

  • Potato starch -1 spoon Divide lemon juice to a porridge state. Apply on your face and keep until it gets up. Apply 2 times in 7 days.
  • The pulp of cucumber, grate, mix with oatmeal to the desired state. Keep such a mask for 20 minutes, make every three days.
  • Mix the pulp 2 tomatoes with wheat flour, apply on the face and keep 20 minutes.
  • Along the spoonful of honey, vinegar, mix lemon juice. Face before applying a mask. The mask is washed off in 25 minutes.
  • In cottage cheese, drop hydrogen peroxide (10 drops), ammonia alcohol (10 drops). The composition hold no more than 15 minutes.

In addition to oily skin masks, daily rubbing face with cucumber, lemon, apple or parsley are suitable.

Whitening masks for dry skin

If you are the owner of dry skin, fumble of additional moisture and do not use aggressive whitening masks once every ten days:

  • To two spoons of cream, add the pulp of cucumber. Mask apply to the whole face. Well nourishes the skin and whitens.
  • Lemon juice Add to honey 1: 1, hold on your face up to 15 minutes. After washing off, apply the cream to moisture.
  • Parsley cut and pour boiling water. Gauze moisten in the brave and put on the face. For 30 minutes, wet the gauze in the composition. Such a mask for dry skin apply twice a week.
  • Two spoons of cottage cheese, 1 spoon of cream, 10 drops of peroxide. Ingredients Mix and apply for 20 minutes to face.

For rubbing dry skin, the chamomile decoction will be suitable, parsley.

Masks for normal skin from pigmentation

For normal skin, use any whitening masks, eliminate only individual allergens:

  • Khrena root Side on a grater and add a grated apple to it. Keep such a mask no more than 20 minutes.
  • In warm milk (2 spoons), dye dry yeast (1 spoon), add lemon juice (1 spoon). Mask removes old spots.
  • Hydrogen peroxide pour in the burden and rub in the face. After 20 minutes, wash and apply cream. Bodharya mask causes skin peeling, apply nutrient cream.
  • In kefir (2 spoons) add lemon juice (floor spoons) and olive oil. Apply on your face and keep up to 20 minutes.
  • Normal skin wipe grapefruit, currant, strawberry.

Masks from pigment spots for problem skin

Problem skin needs special care. And besides removing stains, get rid of suppuration, acne:

  • Mix cucumber flesh with honey. Hold on your face up to 20 minutes. Mask blends well and heals inflammation.
  • Homemade cottage cheese with juice with cucumber and apply on face. Over the mask, put a gauze impregnated with cucumber juice. Wash out in 25 minutes with warm water.
  • A tomato-lemon mask from equal parts of the components whitens and treats redness, guns.
  • Pineapple juice, applied to the face in its pure form, serves as fruit peeling, whitens and has a healing effect.

Masks for whitening pigment stains do regularly, and a few weeks later the result will delight you.

Comments leave a comment
Masya 09/15/2016 at 15:09

I have not been using folk remedies for a long time, they are not always effective. I am trying to get rid of stains on the face in different ways: the masks did home, the lemon juice was rubbing The month of use, all pigmentation has become generally invisible.

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