Stains after solarium how to get rid

Stains after solarium how to get rid

In winter, most women want to have perfectly smooth and tanned skin. In this, the solarium helps them, as a result of the impact of which pigment spots may occur. They are quite difficult to treat. How to get rid of them, we will tell further.

Folk ways

If, after the first procedure, you have a rash or pigmentation appeared, give up visiting a solarium for a while. Subsequent tanning procedures will exacerbate the situation and make stains more noticeable. Consultation to the dermatologist, it will help to find out the true cause of such an unpleasant phenomenon.

Stains after solarium how to get rid


It is quite successfully combined with pigment spots on the skin with the help of medicinal plants. The easiest way to align the skin tone is a cucumber mask. To do this wash the vegetable and soda it on the grater. Squeeze the lemon juice into the mass and apply Cashitz to problem areas. Keep a mask on the skin of 15 minutes, and then rinse the body and face with water.


Prepare the horn tincture. To do this, wash the root of the plant and clean the skin. Grind it on a grater or on a meat grinder. Add to one part of the kashitz from the horse 5 pieces of apple vinegar. Plug the ass and leave it in a dark place for 5 days. Dilute the mixture with water and wipe the pigment stains.

Stains after solarium how to get rid


Grind the fresh stems and dandelion flowers with a knife. Handful of vegetable mass Fill with a glass of boiling water and let's break for 1 hour. Strain the tincture through the gauze and wipe it problem areas. You can use the juice of this plant, it blends perfectly with the skin.

Stains after solarium how to get rid

Laundry soap

Stit on the grater, the soap and fill it with hydrogen peroxide. Must get foam. Pour a mixture a bit of ammonia alcohol, mix the mixture thoroughly. Apply this mass on the face or body and keep 20-30 minutes. Carefully remove the remedy with water and smear the moisturizing cream. Very carefully use the mixture in the eye and lips area.

Salon treatments

Chemical peeling

In the process of this manipulation, weak acid is applied to the skin, which burns the upper layers of the skin. As a result, a new epidermis without pigment spots appears. It must be remembered that after the procedure there are often burns, the healing of which is necessary. Therefore, a few days will have to not go outside, so as not to scare those surrounding their appearance.

Laser peeling

This method is more sparing than the previous one, but it is more expensive. In the process of procedure, the beautician affects unevenly painted areas of the skin with a laser beam. A few minutes later you will get blush skin, but without stains. Perhaps the occurrence of burns that quickly disappear.


This procedure is quite new. The stains are removed from the skin with the help of a light beam with a certain wavelength. There are no burns and redness after the procedure. In just 2 days you can boast smooth and bright skin without pigmentation.

Stains after solarium how to get rid

Try not to abuse stay in solarium, it applies to sunbathing. Ultraviolet rays can provoke an increase in malignant formations on the skin. When the spots appear, give up the tan.

Comments leave a comment
Katerina 07/21/2018 at 1:38

I well helps chemical peeling. This is certainly not very pleasant and not very beautiful, but helps.

To answer
Sophie 07/25/2018 at 16:29

I also do peeling, but laser, 2 times a year. And the rest of the time I use Akhromine bleaching cream (day and night). In the complex it works great)))

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Innochka 01/08/2018 at 16:03

i do not know, folk remedies have doubts, their effectiveness in the sense. But maybe someone helps. I prefer a beauty salon, a phototherapman in this plan my favorite.

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Marina 06/08/2018 at 15:53

Laser peeling in the cabin and bleaching cream, such as Achromine, it is best for me to help.

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Sandra 10/20/2018 at 3:00

Get rid of spots with whitening cream Achromine. Time proven tool.

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Nat 20/11/2018 at 0:33.

Laser Pilling and Achromine. Pilling I do 2 times a year, in the rest of the time I smear with cream, respectively (UV filter in the cream helps a lot)

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    Alley 03/13/2019 at 15:25

    I am also in summer cream Akhromine I use, but here is a laser pilling - not for me. I make my mask for about once a week, from natural. Products - dandelion, cucumber, like this, but it is rather for a total tone and nutrition. And so - bleaching cream))

    To answer
Toma 03/24/2019 at 14:50

At the expense of people's ways I do not know - I'm not sure something, but cosmetology procedures and truth help, but unfortunately, they do not particularly gem.

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