How to remove pigment stains on the face

How to remove pigment stains on the face

The problem of skin hyperpigmentation is familiar with many of the representatives of the beautiful sex. It is one thing - a barely noticeable wipers of cute mischievous freckles on his face, a completely different story - pronounced pigment spots of characteristic dark color. How to get rid of them and make the complexion smooth?

Hypertension is an overhaul of melanin (protective pigment) in skin cells. Any pigment spots appear for no reason. The main causes of hyperpigmentation are hormonal changes in the body, diseases of the liver and adrenal glands, helminthiasis, intensive irradiation with ultraviolet rays (excess tan), age-related changes, stress, hypovitaminosis. To obtain the maximum result, be sure to combine cosmetic procedures with the treatment of the underlying disease.

You can get rid of pigment spots with special salon procedures. One of the most effective is the laser nanoperphoration. This unique cosmetology procedure is absolutely harmless and painless. Its essence is the following - pigment areas are processed by short outbreaks of the Alexandrite laser, which destroy the "extra" melanin. For complete removal of hyperpigmentation, there are usually two or three laser therapy sessions. After the procedure, the problem areas treated with a laser can redden, swell and even darken slightly, but after 5-7 days, the skin regeneration occurs. During the preliminary consultation, the cosmetologist must tell about contraindications to the procedure (pregnancy and lactation, diabetes, oncological diseases and other).

Also, pigment stains can be removed using such a dermatological procedure as phototherapy, which is considered a budget alternative to a fairly expensive laser grinding. The removal of skin hyperpigmentation occurs by influencing the problem areas by pulses of the rays of a certain spectrum. To complete the removal of pigment spots, the most often three to five procedures. Before the start of the session, problem areas are processed by a special gel or spray anasthetics, so during the procedure you will not experience any painful sensations. After the phototherapy session, there are such side effects such as burning and redness of problem areas, but after a few days discomfort disappears. Just like a laser nanoporph, phototherapy has its own contraindications - a specialist-cosmetologist should tell you about them.

Chemical peeling is one of their most conservative salon procedures aimed at eliminating hyperpigmentation. With special solutions of acids (most often used trichloroacetic, fruit, dairy or glycolic acids), the top layer of the epidermis is extended, and with it - and annoying marks. During the preliminary inspection, the dermatologist will determine which chemical peeling you need it - superficial (light), the middle or deep (it depends on the localization and size of pigment spots). For complete removal of excess pigmentation, it is usually 5-7 sessions. Post-symptoms of procedures - redness and swelling - usually disappear after a couple of days, and complete skin restoration occurs within two weeks. In herpes diseases, cooperose, allergic reactions to the components of the active composition, chemical peeling is contraindicated. For more information about contraindications to deep peeling with acids, you will tell you a specialist in full-time consultation.

A small pigmentation on the face can be eliminated independently at home with special cosmetics based on hydroquinone or waterbutin and whitening masks and compresses from lemon juice, parsley green, cleaning, cucumber pulp, viburnum berries. Of course, home therapy is a matter of not one day, but if you are being patient, after a couple of months, systematic care will certainly please a pleasant result. And yet - "Make friends" with a sunscreen with a high, not less than 30 SPF factor and stylish broad-breasted hat.


Consider that pigment stains that appeared during pregnancy are most often gradually disappearing by themselves after the birth of the baby, from pale pigmentation and non-soldering freckles you can get rid of special care cosmetics and folk remedies, but in cases with age and pronounced pigmentation. Only modern hardware cosmetology will help.

Now you know how to make rid of such an annoying cosmetic flaw like pigment stains forever.


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Viktoriya. 01/11/2016 at 17:36

My pigment stains appeared after peeling. Apparently did not take precautions from the Sun, although I did it in winter ((I had to buy serum not clear against pigment stains. My mother used her before, so I know that this is an effective tool. And I advise everyone to protect the skin from the sun after peeling. Otherwise Then output stains.

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