Lemon from pigment spots

Lemon from pigment spots

Pigment spots appear on the skin for various reasons, but it is always an unpleasant problem. Getting rid of them in specialized clinics and cosmetic cabinets - a long and expensive process. Therefore, time-tested and accessible to any home remedies come to the rescue.

Why pigment spots appear

Hyperpigmentation of the skin is manifested primarily under the action of ultraviolet. In the opposite case, you may not even know about the tendency of your body. If you have previously overwhelmed your stay in the sun, the reason for the appearance of pigment stains can be pregnancy, the reception of contraceptives, natural hormonal and age (after menopause) changes, liver disease, reaction to the presence of essential oils in cosmetics, heredity, strengthening painting on site injuries . The risk group introduces systematic stresses and lack of vitamins. If pigment spots look unusual, you feel worsening health, be sure to consult a doctor. Some types of skin cancer at the very beginning of their development look like pigment spots.

How to remove pigment spots

Of course, in modern cosmetology there are many ways to combat skin defects. Remove pigment stains easily with chemical peeling, clarifying mesotherapy, bioevitations with the introduction of subcutaneous hyaluronic acid, professional masks for a person, for example, from manufacturers of Dermalogica and Natura Bisse. In all cases, it is not recommended to lighten the birthmarks, it can lead to their reincarnation in the tumor. It is best to observe healthy caution and not exposed to the long-term effects of ultraviolet, use protective creams from the Sun, to prevent food rich in vitamins A, C, E and antioxidants.

Homemade remedies from pigment spots

One of the best home remedies for the fight against hyperpigmentation is lemon. Its juice can be used separately either as part of other whitening masks. Consider several recipes:

  • Singing the juice from the halves of ripe lemon, apply on the stains and keep up to 30 minutes, after flushing. Repeat the procedure daily. Clamping is worth waiting in a month.
  • If the above method is too dry and tightens the skin, mix lemon juice with honey in equal proportions. Also apply a mixture for half an hour and wash off a slight warm water. Honey additionally moisturizes and nourishes the skin.
  • Fruit enzymes have clarifying power. Make a few strawberry berries in mashed potatoes and add fresh lemon juice drops so that the composition does not become too liquid. Gustly apply Cashitz on the skin and leave until complete drying. After rinse with warm water. Repeat this procedure is allowed every day.
  • Alternative to bleaching mask - lemon juice with chopped parsley greenery. The mixture is preferably committed very finely or use the blender so that Parsley gives the maximum of vitamins. After the mask is applied to the whole face and keep until half an hour.
  • Equal stakes of the juice of lemon and apple vinegar mix with a flush in the mumble, gently applied on the stains with a cotton swab. Hold 30 minutes a day, for 6 weeks.

Due to the fact that bleaching is a very popular procedure, there are dozens of masks that are not mentioned in this article. The clarifying products include kefir and cottage cheese, egg proteins, watermelon and cucumber juices, grapefruit and chickpeas. You can easily combine them, choosing what your skin is better.

Comments leave a comment
Diana 05/28/2016 at 10:13

I also have pigment spots on the face. Doctors said that they are age and need now carefully carefully care for. Making masks, peelings and in the sun without protection do not appear. I bought in a pharmacy specially cream protection from the Sun and pigment stains Neubov radians with a protective factor 50+. As long as I use 2 week, as we have quite recently come from the sun. Slightly bleached spots. The skin began to look more smooth and hydrated. Let's see what will happen next.)

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Veronica 28.06.2016 at 17:15

Lemon always advise lemon from home recipes. But he can remove only small specks, and also most often very annoying the skin. Pigment stains need only to be treated and preferably comprehensively. I am during treatment and after the cream of Neebor radians SPF 50- protection from the Sun, because It protects the skin prone to pigmentation from ultraviolet and helps bleach stains.

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Galya 06/11/2016 at 23:04

Remove the pigment stains will help the serum cream from the same series not clear. I brought it already several pigment spots. Now it's not felt to advise everyone. Much more efficient peels and does not paint the skin.

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