How to remove the red spots from acne

How to remove the red spots from acne

The problem of acne is a rash or acne is familiar to many. Such a phenomenon is characteristic of the adolescent period when significant hormonal changes occur in the body. In adulthood, the appearance of acne may be associated with diseases, improper nutrition, harmful habits or errors in the choice of cosmetic and leaving. An unpleasant moment becomes a sharp deterioration in the appearance of the skin in the form of red spots, irregularities, irritation. Most often, this is due to the characteristics of the structure of the epidermis, incorrect treatment of acne, as well as insufficient disinfection.

Skin update to remove red spots from acne

To return the beauty and freshness of the skin, it must be regularly stimulated to regeneration, removing the upper burner layer and dead cells. To do this, use scrubs that will help deeply clean the skin, improve blood microcirculation in subcutaneous vessels. You can use the finished means, but it is better to prepare a scrub at home:

  • Mix 1 tbsp. A spoonful of coffee grounds with 1 tbsp. spoon sour cream. Apply the cooked scrub to the peeled face, carefully massage the fingertips, then smash thoroughly.
  • Take 1 tbsp. A spoonful of natural liquid honey, add 1 t. A spoonful of brown or cane sugar. The mixture not only deeply cleans the skin, but also additionally nourishes it. Conduct procedures 1-2 times a week.

Skin cleansing to remove the red spots from acne

Daily rubbing skin will help to get rid of red spots and small irregularities:

  • Fresh cucumber juice - do it in the morning and in the evening after normal wash. If time allows, you can make a mask of cucumber pulp at 20-З0 minutes.
  • Lemon juice is best in the evening before applying the regenerating cream.
  • Decoration parsley. You can prepare it with a bay of 100 g of crushed greenery with a glass of boiling water. Boil the mixture of 5-10 minutes on slow heat and leave before cooling, then strain. Store the decoction in the refrigerator, you can also freeze it. Daily in the morning and in the evening, wipe the face moistened with a cotton swab or a cube of frozen beam.
  • Apple vinegar solution. Divide the natural apple vinegar with boiled water 1: 3 and wipe the skin of the face 2-time a day.

Leather restoration to remove red spots from acne

Red spots after acne are a sign of a violation of normal skin pigmentation, so they can use cordial agents in the form of creams, gels, masks to eliminate them. If you purchase ready-made means, it is best to stop the choice on pharmacy products - masses and gels: Curizin gel, Differin gel, counter-paper gel, sulfur ointment, zinc ointment. Pay attention to the composition - salicylic acid, zinc and decantenol will help to quickly get rid of inflammation and damage to the skin layer.

At home, you can prepare the following masks:

  • Mix 2 tbsp. White clay spoons with 2 tbsp. spoons of fresh lemon juice and z-4 drops of rosemary essential oil. Mask's action time - 10-15 minutes.
  • Badgyaga mask is an excellent tool to remove the effects of acne in a short time. For cooking take 1 tbsp. Spoon Powder Badyagi and mix with 2 tbsp. Spoons of boiled water, apply on the face for 15-20 minutes. Do not increase the exposure time, this tool may cause severe skin redness. Use the mask once a week.
  • Mix in equal shares honey and cinnamon (1 tsp), apply on the face for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Such a mask can be repeated 2-hours a week until the fifteen is completely disappeared.

Using essential oils to remove red spots from acne

Essential oils have therapeutic and cosmetic effect, actively restore and nourish the skin, promote rapid regeneration of the epidermis.

  • Lubricate the skin essential oil rosemary or peach z-4 times a day.
  • Mix the tea tree oil with lemon juice in equal shares, wipe the skin 2-time a day.
  • Take a mixture of 1 hour. Spoons of olive oil, carnation essential oils, patchouli and lavender (2 drops) and apply on the skin in the morning and in the evening.

To prevent the appearance of spots and scars, carry out treatment of acne, on the recommendations of the doctor, respectively, the reasons for its appearance. Do not squeeze acne manually, follow hygiene during any cosmetic procedures.

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Natalia 07/06/2018 at 16:36.

Also, there is such a problem as the pimple will squeeze, so then a long red stain from him, even if he has already healed.

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Anastasia 08/06/2018 at 23:46.

Natalia, before I also had the same problem, while I did not advise the cream of Argosulfan, here I smear it on the rink and heals everything without a trace.

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