How to get rid of spots after acne

How to get rid of spots after acne

Acne by itself deliver a lot of inconvenience and are an unpleasant phenomenon. But when inflammation is removed, there is no longer an eel, there is also a trace of it, the so-called scar. If he is one, then nothing terrible, and when the stains are added and added, people begin to look for a variety of means and methods for eliminating this cosmetic defect. Spots from acne deprive the skin of beauty, freshness, the indifference of the face looks inactively and to some extent painfully. We will introduce you to multiple effective recipes for masks and scrubics that can be easily prepared at home without spending a lot of time and cash.

Badyaga will get rid of spots after acne

Powder Badyagi (Bodhaya) is inexpensive and can be purchased in any pharmacy. This miraculous agent has an exfoliating and absorption effect. Already after several applications, the skin will become much cleaner, and after the course of applying masks with Badagi, the pedestal will be lost at all. A pleasant bonus is that the badyaga will not only remove the stains from acne, but also cure the acne rash, give the skin elasticity, lines the tone of the face. All these positive moments overlap the inconveniences that cannot be avoided when using this fund. After a mask, the skin will cripple, redness will appear and irritation may appear. But all this is tolerant. So how to cook the mask and correct it right to forget about the spots from acne forever?

  • Mix the Badyagi powder with hydrogen peroxide before receiving the casis.
  • Optionally, add a few drops of vitamin E into the mask, which can also be found in the pharmacy. It will strengthen the effect, accelerate the regeneration of the skin and rejuvenates it.
  • We apply a mixture on the face with a thin layer with light massage movements.
  • Hold the mask for 10 minutes and gently wash off cool water.
  • We apply to the skin moisturizing cream.
  • For the treatment period of the skin, I choose the autumn-winter time.
  • We carry out 5-10 therapeutic procedures, we estimate the result.

Green clay and essential oil mask from spots after acne

  • In any container, we fall asleep half a tablespoon of green clay.
  • Add 4 drops of rosemary essential oil.
  • We dilute a bit of a mixture with cool clean water before receiving a homogeneous cleaner.
  • We apply a mask on the affected skin and keep 10 minutes, wash off.
  • To improve the effect, lubricate spots from acne and scars with rosemary oil several times a day.

Mask made of honey and cinnamon from spots after acne

  • Mix a teaspoon of honey with a spoonful of cinnamon.
  • We apply a mixture directly to the stains.
  • Hold the mask for 20 minutes and wash off.
  • We carry out a minimum procedure every other day.

Means from spots after acne for every day

Apple vinegar is an excellent tool to get rid of spots after acne. But it is only effective if you use it daily.

  • We divorce 1 tablespoon of apple vinegar with three spoons of pure water.
  • We wipe skin areas with existing stains.
  • We carry out the procedure before bedtime and do not wash off.

How not to allow spots after acne

So that the stains from acne are no longer disturbed by the prevention of their appearance.

  • Always process acne antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agents.
  • Do not give acne.
  • We are looking for the causes of the occurrence of acne and first of all, fight them.
  • We care for the skin of the face, make a timely peeling, rightly wash.

Correct skin care and timely acne treatment will get rid of further problems with the elimination of stains from acne. But if the problem has already arisen, then simple, regular procedures at home will help forever specifically with the unattractive consequences of acne.

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