Subcutaneous acne are red, painful tuberculos formed under the skin and difficult to treat. There is such an acne due to the violation of the work of the sebaceous glands and the blockage of pores. It is more difficult to treat them than usual, they can not be squeezed, as you can provoke inflammation. But with a careful attitude to the health of the skin and the correct methods of treatment, it is fairly easy to cope with acne.
The emergence of subcutaneous acne begins due to the difficulty of salo-waste. There is a clogging of a sludge duct, the inflammatory process is developing under the skin, bacteria are actively multiplied, and a pimple arises. Therefore, the causes of the appearance of subcutaneous acne are associated with the reasons for the work of the sebaceous glands of the skin:
Unbalanced nutrition;
Hormonal changes;
Diseases of the stomach, intestines, endocrine system;
Non-compliance with skin hygiene;
Bad habits;
Increased salo waste during the ripening period.
Treatment of subcutaneous acne requires an integrated approach. First, it is necessary to consult a doctor and conduct an organism survey to eliminate the deep cause of the disease, and then fight the manifestations on the skin. The most modern method of combating subcutaneous acne is ozone therapy. With ozone, redness is removed, pain, inflammation, the operation of the glands is normalized. Ozone therapy session does not leave scars and traces on the skin.
Accelerate the maturation and faster to get rid of the subcutaneous acne will help the ointment of the Vishnevsky and ichthiol ointment. They have the ability to quickly pull the pus, disinfected and disinfected the skin. Folk treatments - masks with sea salt, salt compresses and hot baths with salt. You can also apply gums with medicinal grasses. The subcutaneous pimple will quickly disappear, if it is covered with iodine, but there is a risk of getting a burn. Also against any skin inflammatory processes, the means with zinc content, zinc ointments are dried and disinfected the skin.
When treating skin inflammations, remember that the skin needs daily and careful care. Do not forget regularly in the morning and to clean it, the remains of cosmetics, dust and other contaminants cause pore clogs and as a result - the formation of acne. In addition, the skin of any type needs nutrition and moisture, it is best to use masks, lotions and creams from natural components with anti-inflammatory effect. Often the emergence of subcutaneous people is associated with violations in the work of the digestive system. One of the ways to combat acne is the cleansing of the body, diet and medical starvation. Experts believe that the emergence of subcutaneous acne is a signal of a problem with any internal organ. Consultation with the doctor and the examination will help identify and eliminate the cause.
There are many external and domestic products to successfully combat subcutaneous acne. The main thing is to maintain the overall healthy state of the body. Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, visit the air, are engaged in sports - and your skin will delight you with a beautiful appearance.