How to treat acne

How to treat acne

Acne is a skin disease that appears due to the blockage of the sebaceous glands or hair follicles. In most cases, the angry rash appears in adolescence, and in the absence of treatment, it turns into an adult life.

There are many ways to treat acne. These are folk remedies, a variety of cosmetic formulations, as well as drugs. Before proceeding with acne, it is advisable to visit the dermatologist and find out the true cause of the occurrence of acne.

How to treat acne

If the degree of skin lesion is lightweight, you can try to get rid of acne yourself. Clean the skin from fat regularly, for this morning and in the evening, wipe the face, chest and shoulders with lotion, its acidity should be no higher than pH 4.5. After that, wipe the skin with therapeutic composition. The skin prone to the formation of acne needs careful care, so 3 times a week you need to make a variety of masks. Perfectly cleans the cloved hair follicles and hasty ducts, a mixture of salt and soda. To prepare a scraper mask, mix on a tablespoon of small cooking salt and soda. With the help of a kitchen sponge from the children's soap, make a foam. Add the resulting foam to the container with a bulk mixture and mix. There should be a casczyce aerial mass. Apply it on your face for 5-15 minutes. This agent can burn, so it is desirable not to apply it to the skin covered with ulcers. Rinse the mask should be cool water.

How to treat acne

Coffee beans based masks are very popular. For the manufacture of means, mix the tablespoon of ground coffee with the same amount of chopped oatmeal. Add a tablespoon of kefir and mix. Keep on the skin for 15 minutes.

Cerencing the angry rash by this drugs:

  • zinc ointment;
  • batch;
  • zinyrit ointment;
  • sulfuric ointment;
  • syntycinic ointment.

How to treat acne

All these drugs have antimicrobial effects and destroy bacteria that contribute to the emergence of inflammatory processes.

How to treat acne

Modern cosmetic companies offer a huge selection of creams and gels for acne treat. Pay attention to the means with salicylic acid, zinc, clindamycin, benzoyl and azelic acid. These components exhibit activity in relation to the main pathogens of the acne. These are usually staphylococci and enterococci. Sometimes unexpected results brings chlorophilite treatment.

Do not squeeze acne, so you will only separate the infection throughout the skin surface. It will aggravate the situation and provokes the occurrence of a large number of new acne. In cosmetic salons offer chemical peels and masks with antibiotics, which will clear the skin from rashes and reduce the amount of inflamed areas.

To choose a medicine that will help in a particular case, you must experiment or contact the dermatologist. The doctor will take a scraping from the skin and will definitely find out the reason for the appearance of acne. Accordingly, the medicine will act in relation to the specific type of bacteria. If you monitor your skin and regularly clean it, then the acne will soon disappear. In no case disguise acne with a tonal cream, it scores harsh.

Comments leave a comment
Pauline 03/23/2018 at 14:03

In the war with acne all the means are good) I do a mask with a blue clay and an oil of a tea tree, daily smear the skin with Ilon. This treatment is beneficial. Acne has become less than less.

Anna 07/19/2019 at 13:07

Good day!
To treat acne correctly, you need to understand very well - why and how this disease develops. Then the treatment methods will not be sewn with a "finger in the sky" and "that on TV / in the blog" was told, and with understanding that would work, and what not.
I highly recommend the video film Elena Hernandez "Treatment of acne (acne disease) with modern means and methods of cosmetology." It is made for cosmetologists and big, but very simple words and everything explains everything in detail.

Ulyana 10/28/2019 at 13:53

Thanks for the recommendation on the film, I will definitely look at the week. I myself only on Saturday was at the first reception at the cosmetologist, made me a cleansing mask, gave me recommendations for nutrition and appointed an enterosgel rate to clean the body from slags and toxins. I read the girls' reviews, written really helps. Let's see))


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