Furuncle on face how to treat

Furuncle on face how to treat

The appearance of a furuncle on the face is an extremely unpleasant phenomenon. It spoils the appearance and causes painful sensations at the place of education. Cut the furuncle, without resorting to the help of doctors, it is possible at home. We learn how.

Warm water and decoction

To quickly remove pain, you should apply a cotton swab into the furuncle area, moistened in warm water. Water must warm up the inflamed place, amplifying blood sharing. The flow of leukocytes will eliminate the infection, and the pain will pass. Conventional water can be replaced with chamomile decoction or calendula, which perfectly remove any inflammation. If the water cool down quickly, you can apply a warm heating floor from above to maintain the temperature.


Kurkuma is a bright yellow seasoning, similar to the outward and smell at the seasoning of kary. It can be purchased in ordinary grocery stores. It is drinking with the addition of water three times a day on a teaspoon. Washed in two glasses of water. Also this mixture, except drink, must be applied to the patient. Effectively combine two procedures at once.

Pharmacy ointment

There are special ointments that speed up the ripening of a furuncle, concentrating infection at one point. Thanks to this, the inflamed area decreases in size and stops sick. The most famous of the masses - Vishnevsky and ichthiolovaya. You can and independently prepare a similar means, mixing the ginger powder with honey, salt and turmeric, or taking molten wax with butter. Warm ointment should be kept at the place of a furuncle at least two days without removing it.

Honey Leping

We mix the spoonful of honey with flour and apply the dough to the hearth inflammation. The infection is accumulated and the left will come out.

Baked leek

Cake peeled onion peel in the oven, cut into pieces and change the onion compress every four hours. This will help stop the increase in the patient area.

Plants and grass

Aloe or plantain juice is indispensable in the fight against microbes. But requires frequent shift, since fresh juice is suitable. The crushed sheet of ficus is able to stop inflammation. If you drink two teaspoons of nettle per day, then the chances of the furunculus appearance will significantly decrease.

Yeast or bread

The usual dry yeast is drinking three times a day on a teaspoon, and the swaruncular place is smelted from rye bread, a good result is guaranteed.

Clean hands

With the appearance of a furuncle, it is a stable and frequent washing of hands. It should be understood that inside the acne is an infection that can spread further along the face and even throughout the body.

Diet and vitamins

In itself, the occurrence of a furuncule already suggests that the body is oversaturated with unnecessary additives or fats. Therefore, it is better to abandon sweets, pickles, smoked or acute food, stop abuse of alcohol. To raise immunity, it is worth using more lively fiber, drinking infants from herbs and take vitamins.

Urgently in the hospital

If the inflammatory process does not pass, and the opposite is aggravated, the appearance of a temperature pulsating pain in the wagon area is possible, the feeling of body weakness comes. In this case, you should not feel fate, it is better to urgently contact the clinic to the surgeon. The doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment, properly holding a fuss, and most importantly - will help establish the reason for its occurrence.

Despite the fact that it is easy to get rid of the furuncle at home, and for this there are many remedies, yet it is more serious about this problem. And if after the occurrence of the furuncula, a number of painful symptoms appeared, you should not postpone the visit to the doctor. Take care of your health!

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Maria 03/08/2015 at 12:34

Oh, just what you need, thanks !!!


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