How to treat acne rash

How to treat acne rash

Angry rash or acne, as a rule, appears in adolescence and takes place in a few years. But in some cases, painful symptoms in the form of red tubercles, acne, white and black dots on the face remain longer, and young people suffer from complexes because of their appearance. However, you should not despair, everything is in your hands. If you follow your meal, abide by hygiene, avoid bad habits and, of course, to regularly use various anti-theft drugs - your skin on the face will be pure and soft, like a child.

The main rule: it is impossible to squeeze acne and black dots on their own. You only worsen your position and express the inflammatory process - so close to the hard stage acne.

Getting Started to therapeutic procedures on the face, be sure to thoroughly clean the skin from dirt, sweat and excess fat. Instead of morning wash, water makes rubbing the skin of the face with ice cubes from a brewed Hypericum or chamomile. Ice narrowing your pores, herbs will calm the skin and weaken inflammation.

Wash no more than two times a day. Instead of soap, buy special foams or gels for problem skin. Remember that frequent washness and the more excessive use of cosmetics only harms the skin of the face and provokes inflammatory processes.

Very useful in the fight against acne mask from rye bran and food soda. Mail 1 cup of bran in a meat grinder or a coffee grinder and mix with 1-2 teaspoons of soda. Personalize the mix in a convenient ass and dilute with water, the remaining mixture can be saved in the bank. You will have Cashier, which should be applied to the face, hold 5-10 minutes and wash off with a soda solution (a pinch of soda on a glass of water).

For the treatment of acne rash at home, the compress with honey and calendula is simply indispensable. Instruct in 1 cup of hot water 2-3- teaspoon honey and 2 teaspoons of calendula tincture. Put a couple of cotton disks into a glass - let them be soaked in this liquid. Pretty wash face on the day before, attach wet woven discs to the skin.

Well, how to resist the acne rash without a lot of preparing lotion. A mixture of 2 tablespoons of needles (preferably fresh), 2-3 plates of plantain or 2 tablespoons of dry crushed plantain, 1 tablespoon of calendula flowers and 1 cave chamomile spoon with 0.5 liters of boiling water. Wait until the substance is cooled, and you will get a face rinsing lotion.

Facial masks Make 1-2 times a week. Wash them off with warm water with vinegar (no more than 1 tbsp. L. Per 1 liter of water). Compresses, like wiping ice, can be combined with daily washes.

Try to stick to a healthy diet: Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, eat dairy products every day, make friends with various porridge, especially with oatmeal. Avoid greasy meat and sweets.

Try to use more products containing zinc: bird meat, wheat bran, shrimp, sea cabbage, orange, sunflower seeds, cheeses, corn, soybean, beet, raspberry, tomatoes, garlic, blueberries. You can also ask in a pharmacy to the account of vitamin preparations with zinc.

Consign me with a dermatologist about the reception of complex vitamins, antibiotics or some drugs that are removing toxins from the body if you have already seen that without drugs you can not do.

To cure the angry rash at home is not so difficult, if regularly and properly care for the skin of the face. Believe me, imagine your skin clean and silky, smile around the world and tune in to full recovery - and you will be convinced of your beauty and uniqueness. Thoughts are material, the main thing to believe in yourself!

Comments leave a comment
Tonya 15/08/2021 at 19:43

It seems to be the right advice, but they did not help me. In my case I had to be treated with retinuey ointment, only after that there were acne. And this ointment helped to remove stains from old acne, because it also works like peeling.


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