Porous face skin how to care

Porous face skin how to care

Some women know no obstacle how difficult it is to care for oily skin with big pores. However, there are means and methods of care that will help minimize this problem.

Tools of purification

Cleaning the skin is a paramount task, otherwise avoiding the appearance of black dots, acne and irritation is impossible. Wash the face with hot water with soap categorically not recommended, for a while the fat brilliance will disappear, but after the sebaceous glands begin to produce fat even more intensively. It is better to choose a cleansing agent according to the skin type. For washing, special brushes use, in the complex they massage the skin, remove dead cells and deeply purify the pores.

Steam baths

Cleansing steam baths are made once a week. Herbs with anti-inflammatory properties (chamomile, calendula, trial) are added to the water. The duration of the procedure is about 15 minutes. After the bath, the skin of the face is purified by a scrub and wash water into which a little lemon juice is added (for 1 cup of water - 3-5 drops).

Porous Skin Masks

The mask is applied to the cleaned skin of the face. After drying, it is washed and applied cream with a moisturizing effect. The procedure is recommended to repeat 2-3 times a week. Most recipes for porous skin are simple, but effective:

  • With aloe. The egg whites are whipped to foam and add one tablespoon of aloe juice to it and a few drops of lemon juice.
  • With honey. Mix 2 tbsp. Spoons of honey and 2 yolks. The mixture is heated in a water bath (not in the microwave) and warmly applied to the skin.
  • With cucumber. Cashitz from the grated cucumber is stirred with fresh egg squirrel and make a bummer of 10-15 minutes.


The face scrub is applied by massaging circular motions within 2-3 minutes. For porous skin, the tool can be used 2-3 times a week. It is not desirable to use a scrub in acne.

Cosmetic ice

Extended pores will help to narrow ice cubes. For a more effective result, cosmetologists recommend freezing ice not from ordinary water, but from a decoction or calendula tincture. The decoction is prepared at the rate of 1 tbsp. Spoon of herbs per 1 liter of boiling water. To prepare cubes from a calendula solution, two tablespoons of the pharmaceutical agent diluted on the floor of a glass of boiled water.

Makeup for porous skin

Before applying makeup, the skin is well cleaned, after which wash the face with cold water or ice cube. From the cold of pores will be narrowed and makeup will not be clogged in them. Tonal creams or powder better pick up with a matting effect. Also recommended to use the basis for water-based makeup.


Many people might think that the moisturizing of the porous skin is not needed, but this is rooted incorrectly. Just with its absence, the sebaceous glands begin to work even more actively. Moisturizing creams are chosen taking into account the type of skin and apply 2 times in time. Do not recommend using fat creams overnight, as they climb pores.

Unfortunately, the miraculous way, which would help narrow the pores once and forever does not exist, but if you adhere to the basic rules for care, you can noticeably improve its condition and appearance. Of course, in addition to the main procedures, do not forget about proper nutrition and sufficient drinking.

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