How to reduce pores on the face

How to reduce pores on the face

Many women suffer from such a cosmetic problem as extended pores. If existed meanshelper get rid of it overnight would He was not. Alas, for one cosmetic procedure of pores do not narrow, but with regular and proper skin care, your skin gain Healthy and beautiful view.

At least once a week, steam processing of the skin is recommended. Couples allows you to clean the skin from dirt and dust that  are deep in pores. This procedure is very easy, necessary simply Pour steep boiling water in a bowl and leaning over it, so that the pairs hit the skin. If add chamomile or favorite essential oil in the water, then the procedure will be even more useful. Be careful, otherwise you can get a thermal burn! After breaking, gently flush the face with a soft napkin or a towel.

Apply a mask for deep cleansing the skin. The masks are among the best of the best, which are based on a cosmetic clay. Also beneficial influence masks made of dry herbs. For oily and combined leather, choose a calendula, a hunter, a mother-and-stepmother, and for a dry - chamomile, mint and lime color.

After cleansing, deal with the removal of dead skin cells. In this you will be helped by all-related scrubs. It can be like purchased facilitiesAnd cooked at home. Very effectively depart your skin scrubs with the addition of oat flakes dried and crushed Orange peel or apricot bones. Circular movements are gently massaging the skin for two or three minutes, and then rinse with cool water. Do not heat the skin hard, because solid Particles are capable of driving a strong damage.

In no case cannot squeeze acne, inflammation and acne. This leads to such consequences as scars, pigment spots and scars that are hard to fix.

After all the procedures, be sure to wipe the face with a tonic tonic. Avoid lotions that include alcoholSince it is very dry skin. Give the skin smoothness and softness "cucumber" tonic.

Daily apply a moisturizing cream on the skin. He will soften the skin and relieve her From excessive fatty during the day.

Long exposure to the sun on the skin of the face causes the pores to expand. And this, in turn, leads to the fact that extended pores are faster clogged with mud and fat. Therefore, if you suddenly plan to go to the sun, do not forget to apply sunscreen to the skin. SPF protection factor it should be not lower than 15.

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