How to clean your face at home

How to clean your face at home

In the bustle and concerns, there is no time for proper skin care. However, what woman does not dream of even, radiant skin without inflammation? Correct facial cleaning is the key to the beauty and health of the skin.

The lifestyle of a modern woman, unhealthy nutrition, improper cleansing of the face inevitably lead to the appearance of acne, black dots, redness on the skin. If there is no time or money on a professional cosmetologist, it is real to cleanse your face at home.

Cooking water . Washing with hard water from the tap is not recommended. Water must be boiled or softened by a teaspoon of lemon juice. It is also useful to wash with melt water. Remember that too hot and too cold water with frequent use is harmful to the skin. Cook water at room temperature. Turn the skin once a week with contrasting washing, do 7 cycles, changing hot water cold. As an alternative to soap, foam and gel, the following folk remedies are used: milk, kefir, yogurt, serum, mineral water, decoction or infusion of herbs.

Prepare the skin for cleaning. Wipe the face thoroughly with cleansing milk, gel, lotion. This procedure should be repeated until a cotton pad after contact with the skin is perfectly clean.

We open the pores. For deep cleaning, pores should open as much as possible. Squeezing will help you with this. Boil water and steam over it over it for 10-15 minutes, covering your head with a towel. It is recommended to add healing herbs to the water, which will calm and refresh the skin. Use mint, chamomile, sage, a series.

We carry out deep cleaning. For this purpose, use a scrub. In addition to a scrub purchased in the store, you can use natural components, for example, coffee. Carefully massage the skin with fingertips, cleaning the scrub with particles of the scrub cells of the skin.

Remove the black dots. With properly peeled and well -steamed skin, black spots are not difficult to remove. Press with clean fingers on the skin around the black dot, and it will easily jump out of the pore. In order to avoid damage, it should not be pressed on the pores with nails. Also keep in mind that not all black dots will be removed in one cleaning procedure. Some comedones should “ripen”, so do not injure the skin over and over again in attempts to squeeze them out, but leave their removal until the next deep cleaning.

Close the pores. The purified pores should be closed. For this procedure, a tonic with alcohol content is suitable. Also in an effective way to narrow the pores is to wipe the skin with ice cubes.

These procedures are carried out taking into account the type of your skin. Old skin requires deep cleaning twice as often than dry, namely at least twice a month. All means that participate in the process of cleansing the face (gels, lotions, foam for washing) must also be selected for your skin type.

Upon completion of all stages, your skin will be cleared no worse than the cosmetologist will do in special conditions.

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