How to clean your face of acne

How to clean your face of acne

Snow-white and velvety skin of the face - the dream of beauties of all ages. And sometimes it's a shame when in plain pimple pops up. Or worse, all face a rash of small twine from which not so easy to get rid of. But do not despair! Simple ingredients are available for each, and our guide will help you make the skin clean and radiant.


Beauty girl is very often depends not only on the degree of grooming, but also on the products that it consumes. Maybe your acne - a consequence of malnutrition. Maybe you are allergic to any foods - for example, citrus fruits and honey. Identify and eliminate them from your diet. Also, acne can be an indicator of liver problems. In this case, it is desirable to remove from the menu fatty and spicy foods. A sweet drinks with dyes should be your real taboo. Often eat boiled or roasted sea fish and fresh vegetables. And you will not notice how pimples disappear.

Fight acne by using baking soda

Soda is a versatile, low-cost and, most importantly, sparing agent in the fight against acne, which can be found in the kitchen of every housewife. Take a little bit of baking soda, mix it with additional ingredients (you can take the pineapple juice) and applied to the skin for a few minutes. Warning: Do not add soda lemon juice to enhance the effect, and then you can remove not only acne, but the skin itself.

The mask of oatmeal for acne

Familiar from childhood porridge - is indispensable, not only in our diet, but also in the home cosmetic laboratory. She - the main ingredient of mask for acne. Take oatmeal, and add to them cream or yogurt, mix. We should leave the mixture is the consistency of thick cream. We apply the drug on the face and wash off after 7-10 minutes. This mask not only get rid of the hated acne, but also improve the complexion.

Essential oils for acne

For amomerters aromatherapy there are also useful recipes. Essential oils are wonderful antiseptics. The main weapons in the fight against acne are essential oils of tea tree, lavender, rosemary, carnations. But in no case do not apply them on the skin at an undiluted form! Otherwise, the chances of getting a chemical burn. We will need any basic oil (olive, coconut or grape seed oil). Add a few drops of essential oil and we apply the resulting mixture to the inflamed skin. Also, the oils can be enriching shopping cosmetics, such as cream.

Essential oils

Cosmetic clay

Since time immemorial, women use cosmetic clay as the main assistant in preserving beauty. To clear the face of acne, take black clay and dilute it or warm water (the easiest option) or lavender water (the lavender calms the skin and improves its color). A couple of drops of favorite essential oils will not be superfluous. We apply clay on the face and leave up to dry. Then wash off warm water and applied nutrient cream.

Whatever the method of getting rid of acne you choose, the main thing is regular. Make the selected procedure every evening, and then in a couple of weeks you will have perfect leather!

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