How to get rid of white acne

How to get rid of white acne

White acne is nothing but closed inflamed comedones (closed pores). Most often, they appear in connection with the violation of the hormonal background, because Excessive amounts of skin fat are produced, which, together with a raid epithelium, accumulates in the pores. To get rid of white acne and prevent the appearance of new, first of all, you need to find out the reason for their appearance and fight it.


The state of our skin directly depends on the supply. After all, if all the necessary macro- and micronutrients do not come in sufficient quantities, the body cannot ensure the full functioning of the skin. Discard too fat, salty, sweet food, turn on more vegetables, fruits in the diet, and your skin will immediately become healthier and cleaner. Do not forget about sufficient protein food, which is the basis for the construction of connective tissue.

Correct care

The skin, prone to comments, needs proper and timely care. Always stick to these rules:

  • Clean your skin every day 2 times a day, even if you did not apply makeup.
  • Pick the cosmetics suitable to your skin type so as not to provoke the violation of the function of the sebaceous glands.
  • Use no comedogny moisturizer.
  • Conduct face peeling with fruit acids once a week.
  • On time go to bed.
  • Avoid stress.

Face cleaning

To clean the skin from black dots and white acne, make cosmetic facial cleaning. It is best to contact the Cosmetology Cabinet, where you can offer manual (finger cleaning), mechanical, ultrasonic, vacuum cleaning, as well as gas-like peeling. Selection of the procedure that is suitable for you, you need to be carried out individually, because someone will help the surface ultrasound cleansing, and someone needs deeper cleaning.

At home, the facial cleaning is not recommended due to the risk of infection. But if you do not have a choice, follow the instructions:

  • Place your skin and clean with a gel for washing.
  • Treat the skin and hands with a disinfecting agent (salicylic acid).
  • Be proceed to "squeezing" mature, first time, comedone.
  • Upon completion, over again, handle the skin with an antiseptic and wipe the soothing lotion.


Problem skin needs additional care, with which homemade face masks are coped:

  • Masks with clay and badgery perfectly dried white acne, moisturize the skin as a whole, and also help lighten the traces of acne.
  • Vegetable masks from zucchini, cucumbers with the addition of lemon juice or olive oil remove excess skin fat and improve the complexion.
  • Masks with honey and olive oil perfectly feed and calm the skin.

Connect the necessary components into a homogeneous mixture, apply it to pre-cleaned skin, wait 10-15 minutes and wash the cool water. Such masks should be applied to the skin 3 times a week, best before bedtime.

In the fight against white acne, type patience and do not despair in the absence of results, because it is a long enough process. It is important to get rid of them forever, and not get only a short-term effect. To do this, review your lifestyle, make new habits. In the most launched cases, when one's own efforts do not lead to anything, it is necessary to contact a specialist cosmetologist.

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