How to get rid of acne on the shoulders

How to get rid of acne on the shoulders

Acne on the shoulders is a fairly common disease that can progress at any age. Men on this bill are not complex, the ladies will mask the guns in every way under clothing. Skin rashes are successfully treated both drug and home recipes, the main thing is to identify the origin of the rash.

Causes of acne appearing on shoulders

All women follow the cleanliness of the skin, applying various cosmetics. But it happens, treacherous ulcers sprinkle shoulders, and then the question arises: why did it happen?

  • Writing allergic rashes are capable of poor-quality cosmetics - shower gel, soap, tanning cream or clothing, sewn from fabric containing harmful dyes.
  • Dresses and blouses from synthetics are delightful and durable in the sock, but they do not let the air and can cause skin irritation.
  • Smoking, alcohol, improper nutrition lead to the formation of toxins, which come out of the body with an exemplary outward. In the places of this removal, the sebaceous glands are cleaned, provoking the appearance of papules.
  • Chronic inflammation of appendages, problems with bile, sugar, constipation - forerunners of spots, wen, furunculov.

How to get rid of acne on the shoulders - we are treated at home

Our recommendations will suit you and as an addition to the Councils of Doctor, and as an independent heale of the inflammatory process. Procedural events are regularly carried out, then will achieve a tangible effect.

Drinking baths with manganese

Inject manganese jar in a small glass jar to pink, add 50 ml of shampoo. Pour the mixture into a bath with warm water and sit in it a quarter of an hour, immersed in the neck. After the procedure, blot shoulders with a towel. The course is three weeks, with intervals in two days. If they felt the peeling on problem places, replace the manganese decoction from chamomile, the bark of oak, yarrow, boiled in equal proportions.

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Appliques from clay

The whole clay has anti-inflammatory properties, so take any: white, green, red, what is it.

  • Mix in water 200 grams. clay, one tablespoon of large salt, 25 ml of lean oil.
  • Spread your shoulders, leave for 10 minutes. Rock under the shower.
  • Wipe the skin with a lone of lemon. Make manipulations every day, a week will remove almost all acne.

Water in the recipe can be replaced by the insistency of herbs: calendula, raspberry leaves, mint, taken in proportion 2: 2: 1.

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Soda rods

Dissolve 50 gr. Food soda with water to the cascum-shaped state. Apply to each pimple. Keep 3 minutes. Smoke. Lubricate with moisturizing cream. The whipped protein is suitable, just keep it a little longer - 15 minutes. After washing, wipe the shoulders of hydrogen peroxide.

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Wipes with decoctions and infused

  • Brew 2 tbsp. l. Rosehip roots in half liters of water. After half an hour, strain, wet the napkin in the brave and attach to inflamed uluses. Remove in 10 minutes.
  • Mix 50 grams. Lime color, wormwood stalks, plantain seeds, chamomile flowers. Throw the grass of 250 ml of boiling water when the liquid cools, remove the raw material. Dilute the composition with water up to 1 liter. Wash the decoction, exciting face and shoulders. Do not wipe, give the skin to dry yourself.
  • Cut two large sealing sheet, pour 200 gr. Vodka. In 5 days apply. Water in the tincture of a cotton disk. Fit every pimple, holding a lot of seconds on it. Repeat the procedure every day about a month.

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How to get rid of acne on the shoulders - tips of dermatologists

If the disease is not launched, the tests are normal, well-being good, doctors recommend to engage in prevention.

  • Enter vegetable dishes in the menu, dairy products, fish and other useful food.
  • Conduct water procedures daily with the use of gentle cosmetics: go to baby soap, soft cleansing milk and tonic, not hardwood.
  • Do not abuse the tan, peeling, scrubs.
  • Wear underwear from natural materials.
  • In case of painful rashes, use antibacterial gels - zinyritis, skinoren, Baziron.
  • Do physical culture, walk more in the fresh air, avoid stress.

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You were given a lot of tips. So start the treatment right now, and after a couple of weeks you will forget what acne is and with pleasure you will wear outdoor outfit.

Comments leave a comment
Mayan 03/20/2018 at 13:22

Acne began to appear not only on the face, but also on the back and shoulders. Soon summer, topics, sundresses and I have such a horror on your back. What do you do? How to get rid of them?

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Anastasia 03/21/2018 at 11:32.

Yes, it's better to see a doctor, than to look for truth on the Internet. My doctor immediately said that the reason for my acne sits on his face inside and we will be treated too from the inside. Appointed the course of enterosgel and gave advice, what masks it is better to do. That's how I got rid of acne on the face.

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