Inner acne, how to get rid of

Inner acne, how to get rid of

The most painful of all types of acne is the inner acne, which may appear anywhere. Do not forget that this disease, also known as furuncools, should be treated primarily from the inside, so that there is no further distribution to other parts of the body. How to safely remove acne on visible sites and eliminate unpleasant sensations and pain, consider further.

Features of the appearance of internal acne

As a result of microbes and pathogenic bacteria in the course of the skin and mixing there with sealing glands, there is a clogging, which provokes internal inflammation or the development of acne. To eliminate it, in addition to cosmetic procedures, also conduct research of the body to eliminate the reason for the appearance of unpleasant rashes.

The main reasons for which internal acne appear are:

  • problems with intestines;
  • unbalanced nutrition;
  • nerve experiences;
  • diseases associated with metabolism;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • skin disease and the wrong care behind it.

Modern treatments

Modern medicine offers 2 main methods of treating internal acne:

  1. Elos technology.
  2. Ozone therapy.

Elos technology

The ELOS technology is considered the most painless way to get rid of internal acne. Treatment of the affected area occurs with frequent blue-colored pulses to eliminate skin inflammation. At the same time, extended pores are narrowed and red tuberculi disappear, characteristic of internal acne.

Ozone therapy

Oxygen underlies the procedure of ozone therapy, namely, its introduction under the skin in several parts. Ozone removes swelling and pain, and also struggles with microbes in the subcutaneous layer. The effect of exposure is almost instantaneous, pimples ripens and comes out out 3-6 hours after the procedure. However, this treatment method is quite expensive.

Folk remedies

The most common way to get rid of inner acne is a salt solution.

Salt sinks


  • salt - 1 pinch;
  • water - 2 tablespoons.

Mode of application:

  1. Make a strongly concentrated solution of salt and water.
  2. Cut from a cotton disk a small circle, with a pimple size, and moisten it in a cooked solution.
  3. Make a moistened circle to the affected place and secure the leukoplasty. If possible, leave a mark for the night.


Mix of aspirin

If the home first aid kit has aspirin with an anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effect, you can make a mixture for skin treatment:


  • Aspirin - 1 tablet;
  • Warm water - 1/2 teaspoon.

Preparation method:

  1. Aspirin grind and dilute with warm water until Cashitsa is obtained.
  2. Before using this tool, try it on the wrist to avoid an allergic reaction. Apply it to acne and leave for 10 minutes.


Preventive measures

To eliminate the re-appearance of internal acne, it is necessary to identify and solve the problem inside the body, which is the source of the inflammatory process. To prevent their re-occurrence, you need to trace your nutrition - exclude fat, smoked dishes provoking the production of subcutaneous salts, and also more often to be on the street so that the skin obtained the necessary oxygen doses.

Thus, to combat internal acne can be resorted to different methods: Elos technology, ozone therapy, folk remedies. But the most important thing is, with permanent problems with acne, a medical examination should be passed to eliminate the likelihood of internal organs and quickly respond to the identified problem.

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