How to get rid of redness on the face

How to get rid of redness on the face

Possessing even perfect skin on the face, it is difficult to avoid such an unpleasant phenomenon like redness. It can deliver a lot of trouble and instill insecurity in its beauty. The causes of the occurrence may be different.

Redness, resulting from an excitementary situation, shy, stress, easy to eliminate two pills Valerian or any other sedative medicine. Melissa and strawberries, filled 10 minutes will help from folk sedatives. You need to learn yourself to control in any situations. If you feel that the face is filled with a blush - you can switch to something else or calculate up to 10 and try to calm down.

If you use a new cosmetic for skin, then it can also suddenly cause redness. To do this, it is necessary to wash warm water with baby soap or wipe the face of the chamomile. After on the skin with light movements wrap Soothing cream. In the second way, remove the redness in this case with the help of a striking of strong tea, aloe and starch juice.

The most unpleasant redness occurs from acne rape or acne. The best way to get rid of it will help honey and three tablets aspirin, mixed with water to a porridge consistency. This mixture must be applied to the skin where redness arose. After 5-10 minutes, wash warm water and labeled the nutritional cream. If the problem is constant in nature, it is better to contact a specialist who can determine the cause and prescribe treatment. In no case is not recommended to squeeze acne - it can only aggravate the situation.

If redness arose in the investigation of a long stay in the sun - you can use special cosmetics or make a mask from sour cream. After washed with warm water and apply a nutrient cream.

Masks that can be easily prepared at home, quickly eliminate from redness on the face. The most common is on the basis of cottage cheese with the addition of several drops of fresh cucumber juice or carrot juice. Perfectly relieves redness and crude potatoes, grated on a large grater with an additive of olive oil. Any cooked mask should be applied to face and wash off in 20 minutes with warm water.

In any case, it is necessary to remember that when redness The face is contraindicated with a number of procedures, such as solarium, long stay in the sun, face massage, cold, hot tub. Try to keep track of meals: Do not eat alcohol, hot coffee, tea, cocoa and strongly acute and fatty food. Add fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet. If suddenly redness The person did not manage to avoid, then fulfilling uncomplicated recommendations, you can easily get rid of them.

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