How to get rid of wen on the face

How to get rid of wen on the face

The appearance on the face of wiring (Lipom) does not represent hazards for health, but from an aesthetic point of view it looks unattractive. Multiple weight of wen in the area around the eyes and lips occurs. To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is necessary to find out the causes of such neoplasms and choose an effective way to remove them.

Types of warves

  • Miliums are small tubercles (papules) of white under the surface of the skin, formed from subcutaneous fat and skin particles. They are located in the field of the upper and lower eyelids, on the nose and forehead.
  • Xantellasma - yellowish formations of larger size. Most often they have localization on centuries, can grow, increasing in size and connecting each other.

If you have noticed the appearance of Lipom on the face, it is recommended to apply for advice on the therapist and a gastroenterologist to identify possible diseases. Elemental education should be deleted to prevent even more damage to the skin.

Medicines for the elimination of wen on the face

Avoiding mechanical or hardware exposure sometimes succeeds, using pharmacy ointments, softening the upper layers of the skin and reinforcing blood microcirculation.

  • Mix the ointment "Vitaon" with an oil solution of vitamin A. Apply the composition on the affected areas twice a day for a month.
  • If you are not confused by an unpleasant smell, use the ointment of Vishnevsky. Apply it on the problem areas and cover the piece of the patch. After the Z-4, Lipoma procedures will gradually resolve.

Funds of traditional medicine at the removal of wen on the face

Homemade facial cleaning recipes are characterized by the safety and availability of ingredients. Such means will help not only get rid of unwanted neoplasms, but also clean the pores, restoring the water balance.

  • Sutitate the household soap and onions on a large grater (in equal shares), put on a slow fire and boil for 10 minutes to dissolve soap. It is still a warm mixture to be imposed on problem areas and hold 30-40 minutes, after thoroughly smoothed. This method displays fat and is antibacterial.
  • Fresh kelanchete sheet finely cut or grind in a blender. Apply the resulting cleaner on the area of \u200b\u200bthe lesion and hold 20-30 minutes. Calando juice has excellent cleansing and moisturizing properties.
  • Attach Aloe to the wiring, creek the medical plaster and leave overnight. Such a means has an antiseptic and antimicrobial effect, well cleans the skin of the face.
  • Take 2 tbsp. l. White clay, mix with 1 tbsp. l. sour milk and 0.5 cl. Small cook salt. The resulting mixture impose on the problem zone per hour.
  • Prepare a mixture of onion, grated on a shallow grater and honey (1 tbsp. L.), Add flour so that you can make a "cake." Attach it for the night to the wiring, strengthens the elastic bandage or plaster.
  • Grind fresh garlic and mix in equal shares with vegetable oil. Apply Cashitz daily within 5-7 days on the affected areas. This method cannot be used on the area around the eyes.

Removal of warves on the face in the clinic of cosmetology

Professional elimination of aesthetic defects is the most efficient and reliable way to clean the face. It is not necessary to delete yourself, if multiple formations appeared on your face, located in sensitive zones.

  • Mechanical cleaning - opening of lipoma and manual cleaning of the area from the contents (grease clusters). Such a procedure is painful, but fast enough. In favor of this method, there is no lack of new formations at the processing site.
  • Aspiration method. If the lipom is sufficiently small, it can be removed by the puncture method - the introduction of a thin needle and sucking the content. In this case, the shell of the neoplasm remains holistic. This method is painless, but there is a possibility of forming new wiring at the place of deletion.
  • Chemical peeling - processing of the affected area with a chemical composition for deep cleaning of the skin layer, fatty ducts and greasy seals.
  • Laser processing is a hardware cleaning method under the influence of a laser beam. Requires a high accuracy specialist when processing a detection site.

To prevent the emergence of new formations, review the diet, eliminating fatty, fried and canned foods, fast food and semi-finished products. Use fruits, vegetables, fresh juices, boiled or steamed meat and chicken, fermented dairy products. Watch for sufficient water volume (at least 1.5 liters per day).

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