How to get rid of irritation on the face

How to get rid of irritation on the face

The causes of irritation on the face may be several: an allergic reaction, the action of cold and wind, the use of poor-quality cosmetics. To get rid of this trouble, determine which of these reasons caused irritation, and only after that proceed to the use of folk remedies.

Allergic reaction can manifest itself on the face in the form of redness, irritation on the skin. In this case, exclude products, medicines, cosmetics that cause it. If this is a reaction to excessive contact with solar rays, use cream with ultraviolet protection. Wash around in the morning and evening decoction of a turn or chamomile.

Get rid of irritation, reduce the glitter of the burning alum. According to the instructions, the powder needs to point the face, but more conveniently divorce crystals in water. In the resulting solution, wind your cotton disk and wipe the face several times a day. Luggage alum possess astringent effect and contribute to the healing of small scratches, the wound.

In the absence of allergy on the tea tree oil, it will be helper No. 1 in your home. The oil is a powerful antiseptic that is used for processing wounds, cuts without dilution. But to handle the face, still mix it with olive or flaxseed oil.

The compress from the beam parsley removes irritation, skin inflammation and blends it slightly. Petrush bundle wash and put in an enameled pan. Pour 500-600 ml of boiled water and let it brew 30-40 minutes. Mall to fold into several layers, lower in the infusion, slightly press and cover the irritated sections of the face. Compress keep 15 minutes, then wet once again in the liquid and put it with a gauze for 20 minutes. After removing the compress, rinse the face with cool water.

In emergency cases, when it is necessary to get rid of irritation on the face in a few hours, use a steam bath from hops. For one liter of water, take one tablespoon of hops, bring to a boil and immediately remove from the fire. Cover your head with a towel and keep 5-8 minutes over the ferry. After the procedure, apply soothing cream based on hydrocortisone on the skin. These steroids are sold in a pharmacy without a recipe.

Very help from irritation on the skin of various masks based on potatoes, plantain, Hyperician. The simplest mask: crude potatoes wipe on a shallow grater, add a few drops of olive oil and impose on an inflamed face. The healing mask from Kashitsa nettle and plantain, taken in equal proportions, soothes the skin, heals red acne.

All folk remedies can only be applied in the absence of allergies on them. If after their use is not observed an improvement in the condition of the skin, then you should contact the doctor. Not passing irritation on the face signals the presence of a serious disease.

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Hope 08/02/2020 at 22:18

Now I know that new cosmetic creams first need to be tested. I used several facilities to care for skin care Mary Kay, after which I started terrible irritation, I did not even immediately realize that it was from my new cosmetics. The skin even had to "calm down" Radaevit, who quickly coped with irritation. And now, before buying something new, I apply a means to fold an elbow and look at the skin reaction.

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