How to get rid of warts on the face

How to get rid of warts on the face

Warts - neoplasms on the skin caused by a human papilloma virus. Since completely expelling the virus from the body is very difficult, warts are also difficult to treat and have the property to appear again on new areas of the skin. There are two main methods of treatment - medical and folk. Moreover, methods both in one and in another case are a lot.

It is important to remember that the treatment of warts is a long-lasting process. These unpleasant growths have unpredictable "behavior". Sometimes their treatment gives positive results in a couple of weeks, and sometimes the couples are not enough. However, there are cases when warts disappear by themselves after a while. Therefore, starting to bring the neoplasms, be patient.

Before resorting to a surgical method of treating warts, you can try various medications. So, the proven means is salicylic acid. It is part of many drugs, you can use it in its pure form, affecting the skin for several days. However, many cosmetologists do not recommend using a means to remove warts on the face.

Cantaridine is a chemical, the use of which must be coordinated with the doctor, since the drug burns the wart. The method is quite painful, the result becomes noticeable the next day.

Liquid nitrogen or cryotherapy. Proven medical method for treating warts. It is held in several sessions, exclusively by a specialist. From the advantages of this method, it is possible to highlight the relative cheapness, from the disadvantages - the scars may remain. Therefore, for the treatment of warts on the face to use liquid nitrogen is not recommended.

Fabrics for warts can also be purchased at the pharmacy and try to remove the neoplasm at home. At the same time, be sure to follow the instructions for the drug and do not tear the wart after exposure, it must heal itself and fall off.

Laser Aagulation is the most modern method for the treatment of warts. Especially often it is used to influence warts on the face, since it is very gentle and leaves behind the traces on the skin. This method prevents the emergence of warts in the same place.

Electro-generation - method for removing warts under the influence of high frequency current. The method is quite effective, however, it can leave the scars on the skin, therefore, it is recommended to remove single deficiencies of small size.

Immunotherapy is a method of getting rid of warts, in which the protective forces of the body are used. Consult your doctor with regard to this method of treatment. In addition, you can activate antibodies yourself. To do this, wipe the damaged to the skin of the ice, take a sterile needle and crushed the wart several times in different places. This will help the body "notice" the wart and start fighting with it. Sometimes this method allows you to get rid of all warts at once.

Mix soda and castor oil in equal proportions and make a compress for wart at night. In the morning, clean the skin surface. Repeat the procedure several times.

Well helps to fight warts Vitamin C. Mix the crushed tablet vitamin C with water and the resulting paste apply to a damaged skin area. "Fellow" vitamin C in the fight against warts - Vitamin E. Open the capsule with vitamin and squeeze the contents to the neoplasm. Select the plot and leave for a while. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times a day.

Use fresh crushed basil to combat warts. Cashitz impose on the skin area and secure with a patch or bandage. Repeat the procedure for a week.

You can use toothpaste for the treatment of warts: spread the defect on the skin and leave for a while. Wasten a wart banana leather will accelerate the process of getting rid of the lack. Contribute to this will potassium contained in the banana. Of the vegetable means, tea tree oil, dandelion juice and apple vinegar are often used in the treatment of warts.


Keep in mind that combining methods for treating warts is the most effective. In any case, before using any of them, it is recommended to consult with a doctor who will advise the most effective method in your case.

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Olga 15/04/2020 at 0:07.

If the wart is not on the bind of lips, and not on the mucous membranes, then you can remove the verbacide. It is important to show accuracy and accurately follow the instructions, then the removal will be painless and rapid.

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