How to get rid of warts on hands

How to get rid of warts on hands

Hands - a business card of a woman and her health status. What is well-keeped, the freely it feels in contact with other people. But we live in a world that is replete with other living beings. For example, viruses, bacteria, fungi are also essential organisms of our nature. However, the papilloma virus is extremely unpleasant for a person. He causes the appearance and growth of warts on their hands and fingers. How to protect yourself from such a "decoration" and how to bring it - we will talk more in the article.

Causes of warts on hand and their danger

The causative agent of warts lives in a wet environment and "loves" crowded places - toilets, baths, fast food cafes. It is enough to have scratches, cracks, pimple - and the virus has already introduced into the body.
In addition, it quickly clings to people whose activities are associated with frequent contact with cold water and chemical fluids.
On the other hand, the papilloma virus is dangerous only for those who have a weak immunity. The disease is not manifested immediately. The incubation period can last several months. Then tuberculk appear on the hands and fingers, which are either growing or saved in the form of bubbles with liquid. Often the warts are similar to the islands, inside of which threaded processes are visible.
If you do not take measures to eliminate them, the papilloma virus is longly rooted in the human body. Even in the case of a single removal of unpleasant bubbles and the lack of constant flow of vitamins, the warts will periodically appear and deliver both aesthetic and physical discomfort.
Scary warts in what have an infectious nature. Because the carrier of such "beauty" becomes a disseminator of the disease.

Medical methods of removing warts on hands

Quick and painless methods

Dermatologists offer patients to take advantage of a number of methods for efficient and quick removal of warts:
  • exposure to a laser;
  • freezing with liquid nitrogen;
  • electro-generation.
You will not feel any pain during the procedures, and the warts will disappear almost in front of the eyes.

Methods of getting rid of warts medicines

A little longer takes the treatment of the external manifestation of the papilloma virus on the hands of ointments, creams, pockets. You should be patient and regularly fulfill the doctor's prescriptions within 1-2 months.
Dermatologists often discharge vitamins A, C, in liquid state to directly apply to warts. The main thing is that the patient does not have allergies to these vitamins.

Folk medicine from warts on hands

Monoproducts from warts

These include:
  • garlic;
  • celandine;
  • baked onion;
  • chalk.
Any of the products listed above directly apply to the wart and leave to complete absorption without flushing. It is allowed to make the plaster of the affected place.

Herbal infusions from warts

  • Frozen decoction of daisies apply for each wart of minutes by 20 three times a day.
  • The alcohol infusion of dandelion with mint and onion / garlic juice will have healing and disinfecting effects in the fight against warts.
The more often you will wipe the sick scene on the skin, the faster healing will be healing. However, use infusions no more than 3-4 times per day.

Masks from improvised products from warts

  • For example, a mixture of vinegar and garlic, infused in a dark place of hours 5-7, with regular applied to the affected places, will give the result in a month.
  • In vinegar you can cook a small bulb, let cool the brave and wip warts.
  • Mix with a pair of tea tree droplets and apply for a couple of hours on the affected skin.
  • Sea salt and blue clay in equal proportions with regular applied to the skin with warts overhear the latter and oppress them.
Whatever method you choose, remember that prevention and permanent observance of personal hygiene rules will protect you from any viruses, bacteria and mushrooms. And healthy sleep, meals and moderate physical exertion will add and strengthen your health.
Comments leave a comment
Sveta 12/07/2019 at 0:20

From the warts got rid of very quickly and simply. The pharmacy sells a thrush, which smells of course unpleasant, but very effectively affects warts and, by the way, papillomas. The removal itself is completely painless, I remember the longtime experience of the removal of the cleverly, that it was a burn, and this solution diverts the wart, does not penetrate into a healthy skin under the wart itself. The main thing is to accurately apply a solution on the wart and not to get into healthy skin.


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