How to treat warts

How to treat warts

Warts on the face, what could be worse? These terrible growths cannot be triggered or covered with hair. They poison your life with smiles of colleagues, curiosity of passersby, sympathy of friends. And if, looking into the mirror, you understand them, it's time to take care of warts.

Warts are small benign elevations on the skin caused by the human papilloma virus. Transmitted through public items either directly from a person having a wart.

What are warts there

Warts meet different species.

  • Ordinary warts are painless dense nodules, with a rough surface, measuring from 2 to 10 mm. Mostly fall on face, neck, fingers, hands.
  • Fallen warts are similar to ordinary corn in the foot feet. They are called their sips, because when walking is accompanied by a sharp pain.
  • Flat (youthful) warts are smooth small nodes of a yellowish shade. Almost do not protrude above the skin surface. Appear on the face and back of the brushes.
  • Pointed Condylomes are small pink formations. Localization places - in groin, on genitals, buttocks.
  • Street warts - age-related non-infectious neoplasms. Color have a brown, form oval or round, covered with fatty scales. Locked all over the surface of the skin.

To the conversation: They say, if they touch the arms with his hands - be sure to open the wart. Prejudice, of course, but better not to experiment.

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How to treat warts folk methods

A lot of recipes from the growths, choose what you liked, and start acting.

  • Fresh juice cleanliness. Cut the sheet of cleanpiece and its juice to spread the formation, without exciting the skin around it. Do this daily all summer period. The method treats ordinary warts and sophisticates.
  • Raw potatoes destroy the plantar warts. Sutitate potatoes along with the skin. Put the Cashitz on the parchment paper, attach to problem places, put on socks. Make the procedure for the night, within 3-4 weeks.
  • Mix honey with eucalyptus 1: 4. Lubricate flat education once a day. Course - three months.
  • For any warts, an onion-based ointment will help. Skip the bulb through the meat grinder, mix with one tablespoon of interior pork fat and 30 ml of apple vinegar. Mass impose on the wart, fix with polyethylene and bandage. Keep 40 minutes. Warts pass in a month and a half.


How to treat warts by pharmacies

Before leaving warts with medicines, carefully examine the instructions for use.

  • Ferrezol is an ignition. Spray the gel wart with toothpicks. One time will be enough. Heals all the formation.
  • Threecaccide is an oil liquid, with a smell of phenol. Apply a solution to the bulge, processing it 5 times at the intervals of 3 minutes. Course treatment - 10 days. If you have small filamentous warts - remove in one session.
  • Cryopharma is an aerosol of a mixture of propane and dimethyl ether. For the result, there is enough one-time application.
  • Super thoroughly - balm with a specific smell. Lubricate skin bulb, do not rub, let it take up. The course is three days.


How to treat wart in medical centers

If I tried various methods of information of warts, the result did not receive, the only output is to remove the neoplasm in a good clinic.

  • Electro-generation - performed using a special electrical instrument. After the procedure, a crust remains, which disappears without a trace in three weeks.
  • Cryodestruction - removal of warts by freezing with liquid nitrogen. Through the nitrogen probe enters the skin, the low temperature destroys education. Two weeks later, repeat the session to secure the result.
  • Burning warts with a laser. The procedure passes quickly, under local anesthesia. Minus - leaves behind the scars that are scarceed for a long time.
  • The radio wave method is used for complex warts. It is carried out using a radio frequency heat generator - Radionnight. Under directional waves of high frequency, the wart seems to evaporate, dries out, only a crust remains. She falls off in seven days, not leaving the scar.

Getting rid of warts, do not forget about the prevention: Start eat food rich in vitamins and microelements, do not use strange things, wash more often, handle the rings on the skin with antiseptics. These measures will reduce the risk of warts to a minimum.

Comments leave a comment
Alexandra 15/01/2018 at 9:36.

It is much easier and faster than warts with acyclovir, you need to smear two or three times a day. Usually pass on the 4th day without leaving and track


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