How to get rid of warts

How to get rid of warts

Warts are more often benign neoplasms on the skin, which may appear on any section of the external cover of the body. Often they hit hands under the action of a virus papilome. Similar phenomena not only harm health, but also deliver aesthetic discomfort. Therefore, you should know how to get rid of warts in your arms.

Modern medicine has about 50 species by papil (flat, pointed, senile, ordinary, etc.). In order to make sure that your copy does not face health, you must consult with your doctor.

During the inspection and inspection, the doctor may offer several types of getting rid of annoying formations. These include: surgical removal, cryodestruction (nitrogen freezing), laser removal and radio wave surgery.

Surgical removal is a rarely used method, as it is more dangerous and impracticious than others. The guard of wart leaves after himself a scar from the seam, which often remains forever. In addition, with this method of treatment, it is quite likely to re-appear.

Cryodestruction - painless burning nitrogen. Less dangerous, but more unpredictable. It is almost impossible to determine the depth of penetration of freezing, therefore the risk of "dissatisfied" root remains.

Radio wave surgery - removal by high frequency current. The method of electrocoagulation is quite popular due to the fact that it has a lot of positive effects. The spread of the virus is almost impossible, and the bleeding is not threatened. Almost the perfect option.

Laser removal is a fast, painless, secure procedure. The only drawback is even after manipulation, the virus remains in the body and can progress elsewhere. Often with laser removal is recommended to take ozone therapy. It is she "preserves" to papilome, without leaving her the opportunity to activate the next 6-7 years.

If your case does not imply a big hazard of health, you can try old-good grandma's methods. Folk (alternative medicine) often helps in such cases.

To get rid of fresh warts, use potatoes. Raw root root cut in half and rub the formation 4-5 times a day. Several days of such procedures will lead to the desired result.

Blue clay in a mixture with onion juice and salt also acts well. Just rub the wart with a cashis from the necessary ingredients. The result will not wait a long time.

Predated by an effective method was considered Cleptela juice. No need to cook. It is enough to break the stem of a fresh plant and smelling a wart with a juice. The procedure is better to repeat regularly - until complete disappearance.

From the foregoing, you can conclude. Warts do not like acid and cold. All means based on such a reception, one way or another will give the result.

At the same time, it should be remembered about safety measures: the affected area cover the bandage bandage, minimize tactile contacts with loved ones, bring any treatment until the wart is completely disappeared.

Someone gets a wart into the inheritance, someone gives her mother-nature. Nobody is insured from this. It is important to react in time until papiloma has decorated your body with a multitude of such formations.

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Oksana 02/28/2019 at 16:49

Quickly and easily remove warts using a verbacide. After processing, the wart itself disappears, after five years, the skin will be absolutely clean, without scars and traces.


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