How to get rid of noise in the head

How to get rid of noise in the head

The noise in the head can occur both in the morning and by the end of a hard working day. At the same time, the person appears pain and ringing in the ears, weakness, the head begins to hurt. Very often noise in the head is the first harbinger or symptom of some disease.

Get rid of noise in the head is possible only after a comprehensive examination by specialists. It is necessary to visit the neurologist, therapist, as well as a otolaryngologist. Noise in the head can be a symptom of many diseases. Anemia, hypertension, overwork, neurosis, atherosclerosis, ears, disorders in the work of the thyroid gland are only a small part of the diseases that a person suffers from noise in the head may later be faced. Only after a careful examination, the examination of the tests will be able to assign the necessary treatment and give specific recommendations to the patient.

For the treatment of rare, non-permanent cases of noise in the head, folk remedies can be used. For example, take one cleaned root of the magnitude of the average size and soak it in the water. An hour later, crush the fuck in a blender or grate on the grater. In the resulting Kashitz add half a package sour cream. You need to eat this mixture on a tablespoon during each meal. Treatment can also be carried out with a more delicious way. Mix in equal shares cranberry and beet juices, consumed - three times a day with 50 ml.

Do not forget about prevention. As few stresses and nervous situations as possible. Food should be rich in group B vitamins. If the body is weakened from physical or mental loads, you can buy a vitamin and mineral complex at the pharmacy.

Do not need to be frivolous to the noise in the head. The body is a single integer. To eliminate this unpleasant phenomenon, you must consult with your doctor. In time, the diagnostics will help to avoid possible health problems.

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Masha 12/10/2018 at 16:01

I was well helped to get rid of the gincoum and tincture on the root of Peony in my head and ears. But all the same, it would always advise to see a doctor, because the reasons may be different ... I have a banal meteo-dependence ... But there are no more difficult situations

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