How to quickly get rid of heartburn

How to quickly get rid of heartburn

Heartburn - an unpleasant feeling of burning under the ribs. This phenomenon is not considered a disease, and maybe its symptom. Perhaps burning is caused by a violation of the gastrointestinal tract. Since the heartburn causes pain, I want to get rid of her from her, in this article we will tell you how to do it.

One of the fastest and efficient ways to get rid of heartburn is potato juice. To make it cooking, clean the tubers from the skin and wear them on a shallow grater. Put the resulting Cashitz on gauze and squeeze juice. In order for the juice to air, it is necessary to drink at least 3 tablespoons.

How to quickly get rid of heartburn

The most popular substance helps to cope with heartburn - food soda. It can be taken in a dissolved form or prepare pop. For the preparation of the solution, boil the water and allow it to cool to 30 ° C. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of soda in water and mix thoroughly. When the undisputed part of soda is asced, you can take a medicine. Do not drink solid residue. The maximum amount of solution is 200 ml per day. Sometimes instead of soda, it is enough to drink a glass of milk or tea with cream.

How to quickly get rid of heartburn

To prepare a pop, dissolve in warm water ¼ teaspoon of citric acid and pumped into a solution of 1 teaspoon of soda. On the surface of the liquid, bubbles will appear, drink fluid in the rod, do not wait until the gas bubbles disappear. If you do not have citric acid, you can replace it with apple vinegar. In no case do not eat soda in the form of crystals. This substance can have great harm to the body. With soda, you can get rid of heartburn, but as a result of the interaction of it with an acid of the stomach, carbon dioxide is formed, which irritates the walls of the organ. After several regular techniques of soda, the stomach produces even more acid, respectively, the bouts of heartburn.

If you live in the village or you have a cottage outside the city, you can cook jam from viburnum. It must be dissolved in a glass of warm water and the resulting liquid to drink before each meal intake. In this case, you do not have to experience burning and pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe stomach. Ahuta heartburn torments you daily, then you can take a decoction from the crushed linen seed every morning. Excellent copes with heartburn egg shell. It must be crushed into the powder and take a ½ teaspoon per day, preferably before taking food. These procedures help with regular use. It is desirable for 2 weeks to take a flax chaff or egg shell.

How to quickly get rid of heartburn

If you want not only to get rid of heartburn, but also lose weight, every morning, instead of breakfast, eat 2 tablespoons of buckwheat porridge. It is not necessary to fry it. Do not add salt, sugar and oil into porridge. At first there is a porridge unpleasant, as it is not very tasty. But in a few days you will be easier to master a small portion of such food.

How to quickly get rid of heartburn

Remember, heartburn may disappear for a while, and then appear again. With regular attacks, be sure to consult a gastroenterologist, since the increased production of gastric juice may be associated with a serious disease.

Comments leave a comment
Diana 05/06/2018 at 13:50

Girls, I have a question for you. When you sit on a diet, you have heartburn or is it my personal feature?

Anna 06/19/2018 at 15:42.

Oh, I have on a diet that only does not happen (and constipation and heartburn and in general some severity. Although it was necessary to be the opposite, it seems to me. But I feel great to the Antarite, so I don't worry much. He helps well from heartburn And in from discomfort as a whole.

Rita 08/03/2020 at 7:13.

I am pregnant and from all means, I can only advise the hearthoff. Acts quickly, and it is inexpensive. For me, it is better to use proven means, and not to popular relying. In general, of course, the power regimen plays a big role, it must be reviewed first.


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