How to get rid of headaches

How to get rid of headaches

With a periodically emerging headache with each sign. It reduces performance, prevents concentrate, exhaust and worsens the quality of life. Such pain can be the result of overwork, lack of sleep, colds, experiences, voltages, diseases of blood vessels, improper lifestyle. Using our advice, you will learn how to get relief and yourself to get rid of headaches.

Analyze your lifestyle:

  • Do you drink enough liquid? If not - Drink up to 2 liters per day, since the dehydration of the body leads to these unpleasant sensations.
  • Do you drink alcohol and fond of tobacco? Refrain from this.
  • Are you enough in the fresh air and are you active? Refuse a sedentary lifestyle, deal with sports, yoga or just make more hiking.
  • Do you eat right? Provide yourself with a full-fledged food, the composition of which will contribute to the prevention of the appearances of headaches.

Try help yourself using a point massage:

  • Easy rubbing of the temporal area will help weaken the headache or to completely urge it.
  • The active point is in the development of tendons between large and index fingers. Push it hard for 5 minutes - and the headache will quickly retreat.
  • Another point is above the bridge. It is possible to find it, focusing on the line of eyebrows.
  • Try or squeeze until the heat of the uche.
  • Neantense massage with heads of the head of the head of the head has a pleasant warming effect, it will help to remove spasm and headache.

Take care of sufficient holidays. Overwork and lack of sleep contribute to the emergence of episodically emerging unpleasant headaches. If you do not have the opportunity to lie down and sleep, as soon as the pain reminded about fatigue, try to find a quiet room, take a comfortable position, close your eyes and just sit calm about 10-15 minutes.

Hypoxia (lack of oxygen), manifested by the headache, quietly and inside the lovers of smoke and forgetting to ventilate residential premises. Solving problem Simple: regularly ventilate the apartment, provide sufficient access of fresh air to the room, use a moisturizer to the heating season.

The hot shower (although the contrast will have an equally pronounced action), warming the rear surface of the cervical warming, kneading and rubbing the shoulder muscles, a good massage - will help with impaired blood circulation and blood supply to the head, the spa of the muscles of the shoulder department.

The headache arising as a result of a cold or overvoltage is excellent with cold compresses (it can be ice wrapped with a towel, or a napkin, moistened with cold water), which apply to the forehead area and temples.

Herbs help her headache (Lavender, Melissa, Valerian, Mint), having a pleasant gentle fragrance. Tea with honey with any of these herbs or inhalation of the fragrance of essential oils of them have a relaxing and sedative effect.

The removal of headaches with anesthetic pills should be the most extreme measure of self-help, as the result of their reception may be the appearance of a variety of side effects. You can resort to antispasmodics when you are out of the house, and suddenly overtook pain you will need to urgently eliminate.

Regular headaches can be one of the symptoms of some serious illness. With constant, difficult to bubble headaches, contact a specialist and pass the survey.

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Edita 06/11/2018 at 18:20

I have about half a year ago my head was sick just terribly ... almost every day ... Ginkum and magnetotherapy courses helped. Now I advise everyone)) such ways and the truth is very effective ... But it is better to consult with your doctor anyway

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Helena 28/09/2019 at 21:15

If my head hurts, then without an anesthetizing there is no way. Fortunately it happens rarely, so I don't worry much. He drank a dialorpide and after a few minutes about the headache forgot.

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