The study of cerebral vessels reveals the slightest disturbances in the body of work and start early treatment if necessary. Usually the direction of a certain type of diagnostic outputs doctor. But if you often suffer from headaches or suddenly disrupted the coordination of movements, you can self-refer to a clinic for testing the parts of the brain.
How to check the vessels of the brain? At the moment, there are many techniques that can detect violations and organ diseases. It should be noted that each type of diagnosis has its own characteristics, and it is better to choose the way of specialist studies. Below are the most common and informative techniques. Neurosonography. Carried out through the gap between the skull bones. This method is available for children up to one year, as the study is being conducted through the fontanelle. During the procedure, the doctor determines the speed of blood flow in the brain and the presence or absence of cysts and tumors. Thanks to this procedure, the doctor may talk about epilepsy, encephalopathy and ICP, which often occurs in children and is the result of birth trauma and lack of oxygen during birth. For the diagnostic use the ultrasound unit.There are methods of using the contrast agent. As a result, the patient intravenously administered procedure a special indicator that stains vessels in a different color. Through this it is possible to detect even minor disturbances in the small capillaries of the brain and determine the degree of severity of stroke.
I regularly pass inspection ... In my 50 years that it is precisely excess can not be. But calm, because not die from detachment of the thrombus as thrombus profilaktiruet ginkoumom (on the advice of a doctor, as this drug). Tests and everything else is good, it's reassuring))