How to define a brain tumor

How to define a brain tumor

Insidious and dangerous disease - a brain tumor. The disease may manifest itself in various forms (benign or malignant), and also a variety of symptoms. Brain tumor - not a sentence, but the sooner it is identified serious disease, the greater the chance of recovery. That is why it is so important to make a diagnosis in time.

brain tumor, usually makes itself felt gradually, without any relapse. This is dangerous and cancer - it is often diagnosed too late ... deserves special attention is the brain cancer as tumors located in the brain, are growing faster than other tumors.

Headache - the main feature of a developing tumor. People tend to shy away from a long time for this symptom, writing off its on magnetic storms, fatigue and hypertension. Pain when tumors in the brain is typically intermittent, it is stupid, arching. Most often amplified in the morning. It is also often worse pain on a background of stress or physical activity. It should be very careful to headaches, especially if you have a history of cancer was diagnosed as brain tissue - a "favorite" place for the appearance of new metastases.

Vomiting - another typical trait. Usually, vomiting with brain tumors arise in the morning without nausea and is associated with food intake. It happens that vomiting happens when changing head position.

Vertigo is usually a symptom of the later stages of the disease. The patient noted a sense of rotation of the body or objects like leaves from under the ground feet. Usually vertigo is associated with a change in head position.

Convulsive or epileptic seizures should also immediately cause a suspected brain tumor. Especially, if the apparent reason for their occurrence is not, and the first time they appeared after 20 years. When brain cancer, their frequency is increasing.

Rapid weight loss oncologists believe one of the first manifestations of cancer. If a man became rapidly lose weight without any mode changes, it is an occasion seek emergency medical attention. Cancer cells are forcing the human body to produce large amounts of biologically active agents that disrupt healthy metabolism.

Psychiatric disorders, such as impaired memory and perception, thinking, the ability to concentrate - another dangerous symptom. Patients suffering from this disease, unable to recall the names of loved ones, your own address. Such people are prone to aggression or become irritable, lethargic, apathetic, poorly oriented in space and time, can make inappropriate actions. Often marked by delusions and hallucinations different.

Patients with tumors sometimes there is vision problems - may appear before the eyes of flies, fog. Most often, the symptom - the morning satellite. Additionally, you may decrease visual acuity, and if you do not start timely treatment, it will sooner or later lead to blindness.

Patients with brain tumors often complain of distortion and lack of sensation in the limbs, they often violated speech and hearing occur hormonal disorders. The patient can be difficult to keep the balance, especially when eyes are closed. When the most severe forms of the patient begins to experience difficulties in mental, emotional spheres.

When one or more symptoms immediately follows immediately contact a physician who prescribed a further checkup. A leading role in the diagnosis of tumors of the brain play an MRI, biopsy, blood chemistry.

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