How to define schizophrenia

How to define schizophrenia

Schizophrenia may occur at different ages, but most often declares themselves in his youth. In some people, it begins completely suddenly in the form of a pronounced attack, but more characteristic is gradual development. Consider the initial and subsequent symptoms of the development of schizophrenia.

Features of character. Schizoids (psychopathic individuals) are inherent in such features as closedness, minimal manifestation of emotions, strange fads. Often they like others, as they are outstanding, strange and unpredictable. But they do not understand the spiritual world of other people, other people's experiences do not concern them. Some schizoides may have noble and outstanding qualities that are unnatural and incomprehensible to others. Often they are in a constant internal conflict with themselves, which leads to the accumulation of internal stress and inadequate affective discharges.

Apathy. The first sign of schizophrenia is a steady depression and apathy. A person begins to hardly cope with ordinary duties and at first glance finds weighty excuses for his inactivity. There is incomprehensible fatigue, weakness, internal tension, coherent in relation to loved ones. The disease can proceed in different ways, but almost always there is a gradual decrease in emotionality and willpower. The patient throws work or study, its favorite classes and a hobby, reduces communication with people to a minimum, ceases to follow themselves, can inactivate for hours, but it is not decided to take up work. Such a state can last for years.

Neurosis. In some cases, the beginning of schizophrenia is manifested in obsessive thoughts, actions, fears, strange sensations. Patients can perform ridiculous rituals for hours, for example, rechecked, whether the devices are turned off, the alarm clock is set correctly, whether the door is closed, wash your hands every 10 minutes, scroll through the same frightening thought in the head, try to feverly find a solution to the problem. Also, patients can feel how blood moves along the vessels that the "guts rushed into a lump", "the heart will now explode", etc., these symptoms are more characteristic of sluggish schizophrenia.

Change of perception. Over time, the situation begins to be exacerbated even more. The behavior of the patient becomes strange, and the statements are absurd. The attacks of closets can be replaced by unnecessary talkative. Often schizophrenics begin to argue on scientific or philosophical topics. In many cases, the next stage is preceded by several sleepless nights. The patient has nervous overload with turbulent motor activity and excessive gesticulation.

Brad and hallucinations. The first signs of schizophrenia can remain unnoticed. Only the closest people will be able to determine unusual changes. Often, relatives notice a violation, only when the patient already appears delusional statements. Among the main topics of delusional ideas prevailing influences (someone led), obsessive ideas and persecution. Hallucinations are often expressed in the form of a voice that gives orders, or phenomena visible "inland ok."

Violation of thinking. The patient with difficulty distinguishes reality from the imaginary world. He begins to see the world in his own way and is convinced that he sees him right. At the initial stage of the psychosis, a sharp change of emotions is possible when sobbing replaces suddenly arising laughter and vice versa. Violation of thinking can manifest itself in different ways, it depends on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe patient. The surrounding immediately notice the illogicality of statements, fragments of phrases, strange or aggressive behavior, lack of criticism. As a rule, it is at this stage that there is a room in a psychiatric clinic.

From the beginning of the disease before the formulation of accurate diagnosis, years can be held. Often schizophrenia is confused with other mental disorders. In most cases, the disease begins with sustainable depression or neurotic disorders. It is they who lead to the gradual destruction of the psyche, if not try to eliminate them on time.

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