Blood group diet

Blood group diet

In nature, there are four groups of human blood. They depend on the private characteristics of the erythrocytes. It is the opinion that different blood groups arose in various stages of the evolution of humanity. Scientists from the USA, James d'Aadamo and his son Peter, on this basis concluded that the menu was different at that time differently. That is, an individual with a third group of blood could not eat the same way as his ancestor with the first group. If you believe the ancestors, then everything should be powered as follows.

The first blood group O (I) is considered the most ancient. At that time, our grandparents ate mainly meat, which was mined by hunting. To digest heavy food, more acid formed in the stomach. This type of people should give preference to meat dishes (except pork and housing), fish, vegetables, rzhen bread, sweet fruit. It is impossible to eat cabbage, corn, wheat bread, cereal porridge, potatoes, marinades. Milk products and eggs are still prevented.

The group A (II) originated when a person learned how to handle the earth and equaluned the plants. To maintain the form you need to eat vegetables, fruits, lean oil, low-fat fish, low-calorie cheese and cottage cheese, fermented milk products. Due to the low acidity, the stomach will not be able to effectively digest meat. Seafood, spices, ketchups are prohibited. Representatives of this type are easier adapting to different variations in a diet and the environment.

The owners of the third in (III) groups have historically dwell in India, China, Himalayas. This group arose as a result of population migration. In the way, travelers could have everything that comes at hand. Therefore, in this case, the diet is mixed: can be reinforced with meat and fish, dairy products and croups. If the weight needs correction, eliminate corn, pork, seafood, wheat bread, peanuts, buckwheat and tomatoes.

The fourth blood group AV (IV) is relatively young. It was formed as a result of a combination of other blood groups (A and B). This category is a few, only 7-9% of the world's population. It has not yet been studied to the end, because all sorts of surprises are possible. There are no strict prohibitions, but if there are overweight problems, try not to eat with red meat, sunflower seeds, buckwheat, corn. Experiment and make a varied menu.

During any diet, moderate physical exertion and refusal of sugar, ketchups and alcohol are shown.

A diet for a group of blood is long-term and not so unitable as some others. It is necessary to get used to it, wait until the body is rebuilt. Observe it better under the supervision of a nutrient doctor in order not to lose the useful substances.

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