A variety of diets is so great that you can get confused. Sparing, strict, short, long, for slow weight loss, for fast ... on what to stop?
Diet Usama Hamdiy, while complying with all rules, allows you to significantly reduce the weight in 4 weeks. The doctor has developed a short-term balanced nutrition system based on changing chemical processes. Initially, the program was created to work with patients with obesity and diseases of the endocrine system. For one treatment, people whose weight exceeded 100 kg, got rid of almost a third of unnecessary kilograms.
Attention! Diet Usama Hamdiy reprogram the work of the organism exchange processes, and it is recommended to follow the doctor after consulting the doctor!
Although the diet refers to the category of "strict", the body receives both vitamins, and other necessary substances in sufficient quantities.
Basic rules diet Usama Hamdiy
- Drink at least 2.5 liters of water per day.
Important! Drink water between meals. Dog food is categorically prohibited.
- Vegetables cook solely on the water.
- During cooking, you can add onions, garlic, pepper, salt.
- From drinks you can cook tea, coffee. From sugar and milk will have to temporarily refuse.
- From artificial sweeteners should also be refrained.
- Eat carrots, lettuce leaves, fresh cucumber, but not less than two hours later the main meal dishes.
- It is forbidden to change the order of dishes.
- There is no more than saturation. If the exact amount of product is written in the menu, it is impossible to increase the portion.
- Any types of oil under the ban.
- If the diet was broken, you need to start from the first day.
Which products can be located on the diet of Hamdiy
If a specific dish is not written in the menu, and simply indicates the product group, select from the following list:
- fruits, except for figs, grapes, bananas, dike and mango;
- vegetables, except potatoes;
- cottage cheese and cheese are no more than 16-17%;
- meat, except lamb.
Diet Usama Hamdium. Menu
Each of four weeks is powered by a strictly defined scheme, it is impossible to retreat. Having disturbed the sequence at least in one of the meals, you will have to start again from the very first day.
Week 1.
The first week is the most difficult. First, you need to run new metabolic processes. Secondly, the body has not yet managed to rebuilt and get used to restrictions.
Breakfast The first 7 days is always the same - 2 eggs welded by screwing plus floor orange or grapefruit.

Week 2.
Breakfast remains the same.

Week 3.
Looks like a conference. Eat only one product group in the specified sequence daily.

Week 4.
Divide products from the list in the morning, lunch and evening in any order.
Get out of the diet neatly. In the first days, do not eat in terms of volume much more than you already got used to get your stomach. Continue to keep drinking mode.
You can sit on a diet Usama Hamdiya possible not more than once a year.